View Full Version : Wood gloat!!!!!!

Jonathon Spafford
04-30-2007, 1:58 AM
Meant to post this sooner, but Mr. William Fourness from Penn's Woods very kindly sent me four beautiful blanks of wood! I got 'em a week ago and am really excited to get them turned! I believe he said that the species were cherry, figured maple, black locust and spalted maple! They are all gorgeous and (I know; no pix = it didn't happen) I'll get pix posted soon. My camera isn't letting me upload pix onto the computer! I am getting ready for a doing a pen demo in a couple weeks so I have been mainly turning pens lately to get prepared. I'm looking forward to getting these pieces turned though (and really scared - don't want to mess them up :eek: )! I'll post pix as I turn them!

Edit: Here's the wood!!!!!!!!63645

04-30-2007, 10:18 AM
Hope the black locust is sopping wet. If it is dry GOOD LUCK!!! This stuff in concrete when it dries. I turned some honey locust that is just slightly less of a headache that black locust. You will get tlots of tool chatter from this wood, even wet. Don't be discouraged, just know it's hard work getting this stuff turnerd, but atleast for me, it was well worth it. When I get a finish on the piece I will post it. Natural edge candy dish!

William Fourness
04-30-2007, 10:33 AM
Jonathon you admired and thought that spalt would be fun to turn, so just enjoy and glad your happy with what you got. The Locust is seasoned a couple years but still retaining a good bit of moisture from being outside in the weather. The spalt should dry quick, the cherry crotch should be close to dry and figured Maple Seasoned a couple years, just retaining from being outside. Always good seeing this wood being used in better ways and enjoyed.


Jonathon Spafford
04-30-2007, 12:37 PM
Which one is the maple? The really large piece or is that the cherry? Couldn't tell by looking at 'em.

Bernie Weishapl
04-30-2007, 1:58 PM
Congrats on the wood. Like Tyler said the black locust better be green. My first bowl ever was a piece of dried black locust. I may as well went out and grabbed a chuck of concrete. Have fun.

William Fourness
04-30-2007, 3:22 PM
The fartherest one back is cherry crotch, next one up figured Maple, next that spalt block, and then Black Locust . This should help.
