View Full Version : 1st craft fair

Dennis Kelly
04-29-2007, 9:04 PM
In an effort to raise some money for more tools for my shop I thought I would try selling some products at my local craft fair this past weekend. Below are some pictures of my inventory for you to judge. The day went well. I sold all the cutting boards but none of the serving trays. For a first time I'd say it was a good experience. I have the summer off from teaching so I plan to try some other fairs then.


Dennis Kelly
04-29-2007, 9:15 PM
sorry for the poor picture quality, I thought I had solved the uploading picture mystery, but I guess not. I'll try again later.


Roy McQuay
04-29-2007, 9:29 PM
Congratulations on a good day at the fair. I used to sell at fairs years ago and sometimes sold everything and sometimes nothing, with the same stuff. I never could predict how it would go till it was over.

Jim Becker
04-29-2007, 9:38 PM
Dennis, best to use JPG format for your pictures.

SMC Moderator

Dennis Kelly
04-30-2007, 11:55 AM
Hello Jim,
I tried several times to make it work last night. How would I change my pictures to JPG format? Any help would be more than appreciated.


Don Bullock
04-30-2007, 12:42 PM
Hello Jim,
I tried several times to make it work last night. How would I change my pictures to JPG format? Any help would be more than appreciated.


Open the picture in your photo editing software i.e. PhotoShop and then save it as a jeg or jpeg image using "Save As" in the window that pops up when you are saving the image.

Larry Rasmussen
04-30-2007, 9:20 PM
I was a manufacturing Silversmith for about 12 yrs or so, did several years worth of year round Craft Fairs. Glad you found something that moved for you. So many variables, price point, color, style, and so on. I thought it was really interesting to assess the customer's response and strive to build a better mousetrap so to speak. I found that it really helped to have a couple of outrageously great pieces on display, even if they were priced way above the craft market. Tended to start conversations and contribute to the idea that they are buying from an artist. Even though you're a teacher if you can line up a weekend or two in December and the show is good it is a cosmic experience to sell to the Christmas crowd. By the way my save as page has a little choice at the bottom. I can select best for internet, best for email and some other dumbed down resolution. Never noticed it until I had to post on this site. Take a look.
Good luck,

Chris Fetting
05-01-2007, 8:07 PM
How much could you charge for the cutting boards?

Dennis Kelly
05-01-2007, 8:17 PM
Thanks for taking a look guys!
The smaller boards sold for $20, the medium were $30, and the large for $40. I would consider selling the large boards for more during the fall. Larry, I heard alot of what you're saying from the other vendors on Saturday. There seems to be two different seasons...spring which is ok and fall which is great in preparation for christmas. I'll keep at this year and see how it goes.
