View Full Version : Our Place is a Zoo at Times.....

Bill Arnold
04-28-2007, 8:25 AM
.....now there's a Gorilla in our midst!

Hey everyone! Long time, no post but I spent time reviewing the archives on dust collection. Although I was fairly certain of the direction I'd go, I look to my esteemed colleagues on this forum for great advice.

I haven't posted any updates on my shop in weeks mainly because the major part of the work was done by the end of February. Since then, I completed the lights for the ceiling and a neighbor helped me place plywood on the ceiling along with insulation.

Anyway, in the middle of trying to make good progress on the shop itself, Oneida saw fit to interrupt my flow with a sale on their DCs. After reviewing this forum, the Oneida and other websites, then talking with Jessie at Oneida, I ordered the 3hp Super Gorilla with Remote on 4/19. It was delivered shortly after 3pm yesterday, 4/27. I extracted the components from the skid and boxes and checked the items against the packing list. All is in order, so I'll start assembling the system today.

I attached a few photos to this post and will document the assembly and activation process as I go along.
Photo 1 shows how the package arrived on the skid.
Photo 2 is part way through removing items from the skid.
Photo 3 shows the major components laid out on my shop floor.
Photo 4 is step one, mounting the bracket to the wall.

Also, I'll have my shop cam updating the image on my website every few minutes today while I'm working. You can access it here: http://bbarnold.com/remote.html

As always, your comments are welcome.

Mark Ebert
04-28-2007, 8:44 AM
Thanks for posting those photos Bill. I too recently ordered the 3hp version, and I got the call yesterday from the trucking firm for delivery and its due to arrive at my house on Tuesday. I'm watching your video feed right now as you were placing the large main components on the wall bracket. Has Oneida provided you with a ductwork design for your shop?

That thing looks like a monster! be careful when you first turn it on to be sure it doesn't suck you into the cyclone!:D

glenn bradley
04-28-2007, 9:05 AM

That sucks (and I mean that in the best way) I'm jealous. Looks like you've got a great spot for installation. Congrats.

Jim Becker
04-28-2007, 9:08 AM
Congratulations, Bill...one of the best cyclones on the market is now in your shop!

Nancy Laird
04-28-2007, 10:08 AM
Bill, I'm also watching your shop cam, and note that you are putting the motor and impeller on while the unit is still sitting on the floor. My question is: how in the world are you going to hoist that heavy unit up? LOML and I and one other person put together a DC last weekend, and it was a major chore to get the motor/impeller unit up there. In fact, if a camera had been running while we were doing it, lots of people would have had laugh pains in their tummies from watching. We finally got it done, but boy what a hassle. I hope you have a chain hoist or something similar--or four burly friends!!

Don Bullock
04-28-2007, 10:39 AM
Congratulations Bill!!! Please let us all know how well it works.

I know that's something I'll need as soon as I'm able to move and set up a shop where I don't have to move two cars for floor space.:(

I love the shopcam. It was interesting seeing you down on your hands and knees getting the Gorilla hooked up (either that or you were trying to do push-ups). I can also verify that you went over several times to a spot in the foreground where it seems that you actually read the directions (or were you praying).;) Yuo seemed puzzled at trying to match the cone with the base. Is the set-up difficult?

Bill Arnold
04-28-2007, 11:14 AM
Thanks for your comments, so far.

One of the assembly/installation options is to assemble the motor/impeller, housing, barrel and cone as I have done, then lift the entire assembly in place. I have a couple of neighbors who will assist. I was more concerned with being able to handle the motor/impeller and keep from damaging the impeller if we install it last.

The only issue aligning the cone to the barrel was ME! I didn't have everything I needed within my reach and had to double back a couple of times. Yeah, I hate to have to admit it, but I was reading the directions -- AND praying! Overall, the only issue with the Gorilla was a couple of the bolt studs were slightly off angle but a little finesse took care of that.

My next step is to get the neighbors over here, which may take a while. Many of them are downtown at the Rose Festival today. They can't hide from me for very long, though! LOL

Dennis Reardon
04-28-2007, 11:23 AM

Sorry I just couldn't resist. Congatulations on the new yellow bellied sawdust sucker. I just came in for a coffee break and thought I would log in for a few minutes when I saw your post. My "shop" is 9.5 x 16 so I all I really have room for is a shop vac and even that little bugger gets in my way at times. I dream of a nice shop like yours. I was prettty exited to see your progress (giddy as a school girl actually), so naturally I logged on to your link.......Lunch Break!!!! Oh well I will check back in on my next coffee break.

Just one question; How the heck are you going to lift all that up onto that bracket? Maybe the metal is lighter than it looks and I hope for your sake it is.

Dave Ray
04-28-2007, 12:37 PM
Congrats Bill, your shop looks great. I really like your web site, was fun to follow constuction of your addition. I remember when you first posted it but rereading was neat. You certainly planned things out well.

Bill Arnold
04-28-2007, 1:03 PM
Sorry I just couldn't resist.
Well, you could have, but chose not to (just like I would have done)! ;)

Congatulations on the new yellow bellied sawdust sucker. I just came in for a coffee break and thought I would log in for a few minutes when I saw your post. My "shop" is 9.5 x 16 so I all I really have room for is a shop vac and even that little bugger gets in my way at times. I dream of a nice shop like yours. I was prettty exited to see your progress (giddy as a school girl actually), so naturally I logged on to your link.......Lunch Break!!!! Oh well I will check back in on my next coffee break. Actually, I'm done for now -- until my neighbor gets back home to help lift the sucker in place. Then, again, maybe he's staying away on purpose! :)

Just one question; How the heck are you going to lift all that up onto that bracket? Maybe the metal is lighter than it looks and I hope for your sake it is.Let's see -- how about very carefully? Nope, it's as heavy as it looks! :eek:

My neighbor is strong as an ox and we'll try to catch one other guy. Two of us can probably tilt it to vertical and rest the cone on a moving blanket. Then, we can lift it straight up. Sounds easy, huh? It won't be, but we'll get it one way or another! :rolleyes:

Bill Arnold
04-30-2007, 10:19 AM
My Gorilla installation was completed Saturday evening after a couple of neighbors got home. Here's a photo of the completed installation. I've got a bunch of duct to run, of course, but I can tie into my flex for now until I get more of my shop finished. For a time-lapse movie of the assembly and installation process click http://bbarnold.com/images/shop-ga/Gorilla.wmv

Don Bullock
04-30-2007, 10:43 AM
Bill, I'm glad to see you finally got the neighbors over to help you lift it in place. I'll be looking for threads on how well it works.

Doyle Alley
04-30-2007, 1:10 PM
Hey Bill. Good to see you've got your shop up and running. Looks like you're getting used to T'ville. I told you that you'd love the people there.

Bill Arnold
04-30-2007, 1:25 PM
Hey Bill. Good to see you've got your shop up and running. Looks like you're getting used to T'ville. I told you that you'd love the people there.
Hi, Doyle.

This really is a great community! Everyone we've met demonstrates what Southern hospitality is and then some. I'm still learning where to get a few things -- like a supplier on a side road who beats the daylights out of Lowe's on duct pipe and fittings!

Drop by for a visit the next time you're here.