View Full Version : DW 735 Knives

Paul Zonneveld
04-28-2007, 2:22 AM
I have a need now to replace the knives in my 735 and had read here a couple of weeks ago that Dewalt was finally going to do something about the knives in the 735? Anyone know if that is happening has happened and if so where can I get the new knives?

glenn bradley
04-28-2007, 9:33 AM
I haven't read any confirmation here (or anywhere else) but I am going to 'the woodworking show' next weekend and I'll be grilling DW about this as my dad plans to buy a 735. I'll post what 'the guy' at the show has to say.

Dave Falkenstein
04-28-2007, 9:44 AM
There was a recent thread on this same subject, here:


It seems there is a difference of opinion about new knives from Dewalt. There are also some issues reported on the knives from Infinity. Read the thread and make up your own mind. It seems there is a good chance of getting a new set of knives from Dewalt free by calling them.

Paul Zonneveld
04-28-2007, 7:10 PM
Glenn I would appreciate any first hand information you get from the DW rep at the show. Please keep me posted.

Bruce Benjamin
04-28-2007, 11:38 PM
It's not a difference of opinion. It's a difference in the facts given to me and another forum member from two different Dewalt customer service reps. Either there are new knives available or there aren't. The guy I exchanged email with said no. The other guy was supposedly given the, "New" knives. They weren't in any special packaging though so there's no way to confirm it. It seems if there really were new knives available, or new knives that were coming out soon they wouldn't want to keep it a secret. But I can see why someone would tell a customer that the free ones he sent were, "New and improved" just to make him happy. I guess the only opinion involved is which CS rep at Dewalt is an idiot.


It seems there is a difference of opinion about new knives from Dewalt.

Dave Falkenstein
04-29-2007, 12:58 AM
I plan to call Dewalt on Monday to ask about the "new" knife set. Will two out of three "facts" settle anything? I doubt it.

Grant Wilkinson
04-29-2007, 1:17 PM
FWIW, Dewalt Canada says that there are no new knives coming. They did send me a free set, though.
I would be very interested in reviews of the Infinity knives. They say that they will last longer.

Bruce Benjamin
04-29-2007, 1:44 PM
I plan to call Dewalt on Monday to ask about the "new" knife set. Will two out of three "facts" settle anything? I doubt it.

It will for me. You can continue to think anything you want. It looks like we already have two out of three, "No new blades" but you can have your own, "Opinion" if you wish. Good luck with that. As for me, if they tell me, "No" and they tell someone else, "No" and instead they send out the regular blades, well, I guess the answer is, "No". I really don't plan to spend a lot more time worrying about it until they actually release improved blades to the public.


Dave Falkenstein
04-29-2007, 4:05 PM
Bruce - I'm not about to go back and count the number of posts on DW735 threads that say Dewalt is coming out with new blades, but it was a bunch. Then again, maybe all those posts originated from just one. Dewalt is a big company, and not all of the CS reps have the same information. To me it is worth calling to see what reply I get. I'll report back.

Tom Hamilton
04-29-2007, 9:52 PM
My experience on Friday was an email to DeWalt with the first cup of coffe, about 6:30AM, requesting new knives for a 735. By 10AM I had an email response with instructions to call an 800 number.

I called and in a three minute conversation the CS said he was sending me another set of knives.

Now, are they "new" as in new design and material or new to me? Don't know for sure, but he acknowledged that they have had problems and offered a new set without hesitation.


Tom, in Houston, watching the front door for the UPS package!

Dave Falkenstein
04-29-2007, 10:15 PM
My experience on Friday was an email to DeWalt with the first cup of coffe, about 6:30AM, requesting new knives for a 735. By 10AM I had an email response with instructions to call an 800 number.

I called and in a three minute conversation the CS said he was sending me another set of knives.

Now, are they "new" as in new design and material or new to me? Don't know for sure, but he acknowledged that they have had problems and offered a new set without hesitation.


Tom, in Houston, watching the front door for the UPS package!

Tom - What is that 800 number, please???

peter leyden
04-29-2007, 11:26 PM
I called Dewalt CS and asked if they were coming out with improved blades. I was told -NO. They did send me a free set of replacement blades and on the blade package it stated "High quality M2 LAMINATED high speed tool steel"
Does that represent a change friom the original Blades?? Were the original blades laminated?
Peter Leyden

J. Greg Jones
04-30-2007, 5:33 AM
I have one set of blades left in the original package from an order I placed with Amazon in May of last year when they were on sale for $32 a set. The package states that they are M2 laminated HSS. I cannot recall if the other sets from the order said the same thing, but if the M2 was a change it happened at least a year ago. The back of the package has a stamp of "200609-CT" which, if I did not know better, I might assume would indicate a manufacture date of September 2006. However, I know they were purchased May 2006.

Dave Hale
04-30-2007, 10:09 AM
Same old, same old. Did they at least have the decency to black out the 'Long Lasting' on the package? :)

Tom Hamilton
04-30-2007, 10:13 AM
Dave asked: Tom - What is that 800 number, please???

DeWalt Customer Service wrote: We have replaced blades on an individual basis. All the symptoms you mention could be caused by wood with a high moisture content. If you can give us a call at 800-433-9258 so we can get some more information from you, I'm sure we can work something out.Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you. If your question remains unresolved or if you require additional information please update this incident.

Hope this helps, Tom

Dave Falkenstein
04-30-2007, 11:54 AM
Well, I called Dewalt, and talked to a CS rep that seemed very knowledgeable. He told me that there is NOT a new blade for the DW735 planer. There were some blade problems back in 2004 that were caused by blades being sharpened incorrectly at the factory, and that issue was resolved quite a while back. The blades that Dewalt is using now on the DW735 are the same blades they have been using for about three years.

Tom Hamilton
04-30-2007, 12:02 PM
Hi Dave:

Between the lines I'm reading you did not get new blades from Dewalt on Monday and I did on Friday. Hummm, seems like the right hand and left hand are not in sync. What a surprise!

Thanks for the update.

Lucky Tom, in Houston, still hopeful the UPS truck will show up this week.

jonathan snyder
04-30-2007, 12:57 PM
Hi Folks,
I e-mailed Dewalt asking for clarification about the blade issue as they originally told me that there were new blades. Here is the response

"Hello Jonathan, and thanks for using DEWALT's on-line support.
The short answer to your question is that we are looking into blade life on the DW735 and the only blades we have available at this time are the original blades.

To explain the response you received about new knives. A while back we had customers sending us blades that had dulled or nicked after very little use. We sent those blades off to the engineers to have them look at the blades. Shortly after sending the blades to the engineers they sent some blades back to us stating we could send those blades out to customers. There was nothing stating that those blades were any different than the original blades. They did not request any feed back as to how the blades worked, so I'm very certain they were the original blades, just replacements for the blades we had sent to them. If those blades were of a different material they would have requested that we get feed back from the customers on how long the blades lasted. Just a little confusion or lack of communication on our end in response to your first email.
Again, DeWalt is working very hard, investigating the reports of poor blade life.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you. If your question remains unresolved or if you require additional information please update this incident."

So I guess the short answers is they originally told me what they thought I wanted to hear!!!:(

Hopefully the infinity knives will work out better.


Mike Henderson
04-30-2007, 2:47 PM
I sent a message to DeWalt also and this is the response I received. I told them that the issue was being discussed on the forum:

"Someone was misinformed if they stated on the forum that new blades are available. DeWalt is looking at blade life, because of the reported cases of poor blade life but as of now there is nothing available but the original blades and nothing new coming anytime real soon that I am aware of but I do know for fact they are looking at this issue."
