View Full Version : Is this suicidal?

Joe Melton
04-26-2007, 10:02 PM
A neighbor gave me a stump from an apple tree he cut down. It apparently was an older tree as the stump is pretty big. Someone had wrapped a tractor tire about the base of the tree at one time, and the tree grew around it. It was all he and I could do to slide the stump up a makeshift ramp into the back my my pickup. When I got it home, I took a hose to it and cleaned off much of the dirt. That also exposed a brick the tree had grown around. After chipping that out, I rolled it off into a wheelbarrow and then to a place on the ground when I attacked it with my chainsaw. Two blades later, I had it trimmed up and weight was reduced enough that I could carry it into my basement shop. I attached a faceplate and struggled to get it mounted. Once mounted, I had to use my sawzall to trim off pieces that prevented it from turning. I set the (2HP) lathe at the slowest speed, and it wouldn't turn, so I slowly increased the speed. Holy cow! Even barely turning, the lathe started jumping across the floor. I think I need to reposition the faceplate, in the hope I can get it better balanced. There seems to be a lot of kinetic energy in the thing as it swings around, that's for sure.
I think it will make an interesting piece, if I survive. It is green now, which will greatly help in the turning. I look forward to showing pictures of a finished piece. If not, my wife and heir will post a photo of how far I got.

Keith Burns
04-26-2007, 10:08 PM
Dang Joe, can't you find something bigger ???:D I truly hope you survive !!!

Nancy Laird
04-26-2007, 10:12 PM
Holy @#$%&^! Is your life insurance paid up, Joe?

But you know what "they" say? No guts, no glory!! Go for it!!


Rob Bourgeois
04-26-2007, 10:22 PM
How much is your wife selling your lathe for... :p

Good luck.

Keith Burns
04-26-2007, 10:29 PM
Rob, I have actually touched this lathe so I got first dibbs:D

Neal Addy
04-26-2007, 10:33 PM
Looks perfectly safe to me as long as you don't actually turn the lathe on.

We could start a pool! When it goes I say it's gonna break a little to the left.

Andy Hoyt
04-26-2007, 10:35 PM

Take that you mustardites!

Bruce Shiverdecker
04-26-2007, 10:44 PM
Just make sure to stand off to the side when you crank that thing up!


Rob Bourgeois
04-27-2007, 7:12 AM
Rob, I have actually touched this lathe so I got first dibbs:D
Ok can I buy your old one...AGAIN. :p :D

George Conklin
04-27-2007, 7:21 AM
That also exposed a brick the tree had grown around.

YIKES!!!:eek: I wonder what else might be in there? Be careful:) .

Raymond Overman
04-27-2007, 7:39 AM
To paraphrase a line from the movie "The Princess Bride", "It'll take a miracle" but it's not un-doable. I would say that there is probably some rocks that those old roots have wrapped up in there somewhere. Be careful and weigh your consequences. It'll be a beauty when you get it turned.

Good luck!

Glenn Clabo
04-27-2007, 8:02 AM
Oh MAN...Love that movie...
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father... prepare to die."

Bill Grumbine
04-27-2007, 8:05 AM
Joe, even if you survive, I think you are going to be disappointed with the results. Looking at the first picture you posted, you have a check going through the pith and beyond. And then beyond that, there looks to be a large arc where there is another crack of some sort. That is most likely going to separate. Looking at it mounted on the lathe, it appears to have a large inclusion running around its middle. That is a potential point (or line) of separation as well.

If it were me, I would cut it into smaller solid pieces, or at least pieces where there are not so many voids running in all directions. Then there is a better chance of not losing it or being bonked in the head.


Ken LaSota
04-27-2007, 9:59 AM
Joe good luck I see a accident waiting to happen. I second the motion to cut it smaller. It probalby has some hidden goodies that will tear your tools up as well . Good luck

Bernie Weishapl
04-27-2007, 12:55 PM
Joe I agree with Raymond and Bill. It seems to have a awful lot of cracks and probably hidden rocks, etc. in it. I would cut it down to smaller pieces. Otherwise I would have a heavy duty helmet, kevlar vest, etc. on when I turned that thing.

Steve Kubien
04-27-2007, 1:01 PM
Those cracks and checks scare me more than anything. I know people use DNA soaks and soap soaks and even oil soaks for finishing. I would look into a CA soak before turning this sucker. Look into some quality kevlar body armour.

Have fun!
Steve Kubien

Kaptan J.W. Meek
04-27-2007, 4:41 PM
Oh man.. IF it stayed together that thing would be AWESOME.. but I kinda stay with the ole "better safe than sorry" school... I had a big coil spring hit me on the big toe once, I was using a spring compressor to take it off a strut assembly on this lady's car.. I was lookin at it, and I saw it start to move.. then move a little more. I turned to run and it just went off.. It missed my head by about an inch, but bounced off the ceiling, and then came down on my toe!... Since then I just don't take chances with big heavy things moving at high speeds..

Mike Ramsey
04-27-2007, 4:55 PM
I would just rev it up to 60 grand .....then dump the clutch :D .

Ken Fitzgerald
04-27-2007, 5:21 PM
I would just rev it up to 60 grand .....then dump the clutch :D .

RPM or Horsepower?:confused: :rolleyes: :D

Even with the lathe he's got it'll be exciting!:)

Joe Melton
04-27-2007, 8:29 PM
I got the outside turned today. It is about 10" smaller in diameter, but still plenty heavy. I started on the inside, but decided to stop and put together an Oland tool. I ordered the "parts" from Enco on Monday and they arrived yesterday. I am using some 3/4" steel bar and the 1/4" HSS cutters. I think the Oland will work better with the tailstock in place. I want to leave it on as long as possible.
Perhaps I was lucky that the blank didn't launch today, I don't know. It it had, it would be like a concrete medicine ball thrown by Hercules.
I thought about cutting it up, but would really like to do it as a single piece, voids and all. If you don't extend yourself, you never learn.
Thanks for the advice.

William Bachtel
04-27-2007, 8:31 PM
Don't listen to these people, just CARVE IT!!!!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-27-2007, 8:31 PM
It it had, it would be like a concrete medicine ball thrown by Hercules.Joe

Joe....Until it's finished, I wouldn't get a hair cut!:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Or was that Samson...that got the hair cut?......ICR....:rolleyes: :D