View Full Version : Walnut HF

Keith Burns
04-26-2007, 4:30 PM
This is a small walnut HF measuring about 5-1/2" in diameter. It had a burl on one side which was held on by a thread and the thread broke. Not being one to quit I decided to take it as far as I could and this is where it ended up. The last 2 pics were taken with the lathe at turning about 700 rpm. I know I am more proud of the last two pics than I am of the HF.

Steve Schlumpf
04-26-2007, 4:37 PM
Amazing Keith! Great form and I think you found a new way to gauge the thickness of the walls! Really nice work!

Nancy Laird
04-26-2007, 4:47 PM
Hey, Keith, It won't hold water!! Ergo, it must be art. Believe it or not, I like it. You could always put a small scene in it like those fancy eggs.


Barry Stratton
04-26-2007, 5:03 PM
STUNNING piece Keith! Very inspiring stuff there.....

Bob Opsitos
04-26-2007, 5:13 PM
Who needs a laser guided hollowing system when you got giant voids in the peice.

Looks great though with that big of a void I'm not sure I'd put a tool in there.


Mark Pruitt
04-26-2007, 5:14 PM
I guess that's one way to be able to see where you're cutting!:eek:
It came out nicely, even minus the burl. In fact if you had not disclosed what had happened I would have thought that the void was there at the beginning.

Mike Vickery
04-26-2007, 5:27 PM
Great shape on the piece, at least what is left of it. Looking at it I am surprised you could keep a tenon on it.

Mark Cothren
04-26-2007, 5:32 PM
Okay folks... here is, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story...

This is a chunk of Arkysaw Walnut that came from a tree my great-grandfather planted back when he came over on the Mayflower. He had his lucky Walnut with him and decided to plant it for prosperity's sake. This particular piece of wood came from directly under the bark where my grandfather had carved "I love you, Wilmanelle" (my grandmother) inside a heart right before he died. I was saving this piece of wood for something very special, since the "burl" Keith referred to was actually the heart carving.

Having been told what a light, smooth touch Keith has on the lathe, I agreed to let him turn a thing of beauty with this family heirloom piece of wood. I knew my my 5-month old granddoll - Willmanelle-aroo (named after her great, great grandmother) - would one day cherish this piece of wood with love carved into it.

That's when it happened. The explosion. As Keith used his 3/4" gouge to hollow this thru a 1/2" hole there was a sound, much like that of a young war, as pieces of Walnut assaulted the shop and everyone in close proximity. It was a hair-raising experience. If you could see my head you would see that it must have raised quite a bit right off the top of my head.

What you see here is all that is left. I am shattered. My granddoll is deprived. My great grandfather just rolled over in his grave. Keith is an animal.

Anyway... that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


Oh yeah... nice work, Keith...:D :D :D

Mark Pruitt
04-26-2007, 6:19 PM
'Tis sad to hear of the burl
That was to be a flying curl
But too may turns
From a wild man named Burns
Caused Cothren's dreams to unfurl.
:D :D :D

Keith Burns
04-26-2007, 7:13 PM
Mark, I am so sorry that I did this to this heirloom piece of walnut and I am sorry that I didn't elude to the true story in my original post. Can y'all accept my apology please.

Bernie Weishapl
04-26-2007, 10:57 PM
Keith that is awesome. That is a beautiful piece. Nice job.

Jim Ketron
04-26-2007, 11:01 PM
Amazing piece Keith!
Great job!

Tom Sherman
04-28-2007, 7:06 AM
Tsk Tsk Tsk...Firstly Keith that is one awsome piece of work very well done. Secondly methinks there seems to be some truth being handled a bit wrecklessly HMMM....could it be all the Mustard talk thrown about lately.:D

Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
04-28-2007, 7:55 AM
That sure is one nice piece, I guess you had no trouble sanding the inside of that one eh :D

Man, you certainly MUST have a FINE touch!!! :)


Jonathon Spafford
04-29-2007, 12:45 AM
That would be one trick hf to turn! You did a great job! Gotta try one of those... soon!