View Full Version : New Circle Gage Ready for Testing

Keith Outten
12-30-2003, 8:48 PM
Ol' Keith's Layout Gage

My circle/angle layout Gage is finally ready for testing. All of the text has been enlarged and is easier to read as well as a few last minute changes to the design.

My Gage is made from 1/8" clear acrylic, the small black dots are actually holes sized for a standard pencil point. The Gage will layout any angle and scribe circles up to 10" in diameter in 1/8" increments. They are produced on the laser engraver and the drawing was done mathematically by Aaron via a Corel script so they should be very accurate.

These are the people who responded to my request for comments on another thread and I promised them a free Gage to shop test.

Ken Garlock
Steve Clardy
Brad Schafer
Doug Keener
Bob Oswin
Tony Falotico

If you guys will make sure I have your shipping address (via email) I will ship the gages to you Monday morning. After you have had time to use them any comments you have would be appreciated.

Mark Singer
12-30-2003, 9:27 PM

Ken Salisbury
12-31-2003, 3:09 AM
Ol' Keith's Layout Gage

These are the people who responded to my request for comments on another thread and I promised them a free Gage to shop test.

Ken Garlock
Steve Clardy
Brad Schafer
Doug Keener
Bob Oswin
Tony Falotico

Either you spelled my name wrong or I am not on the liist :D

Terry Quiram
12-31-2003, 10:00 AM

I can see a lot of uses for this template. I don't want to wait for testing, how much?


Rob Russell
12-31-2003, 10:08 AM

Your layout tool looks like it could be really useful. I wish I'd seen the other thread to be able to test it for you.

One thought that immediately comes to mind is that it would help me if you had the degree increments running clockwise as well as the counterclockwise you have now. You could have an inner ring for the "righthand" increments.


I don't know about you, but not everything I need to layout in degrees is a "lefthand" angle. I'd rather read from a scale than to ensure I count off the right number of segments or do the math in my head.

Just a thought.


Dave Richards
12-31-2003, 10:48 AM
Where do I order? :cool:

Mike Mastin
12-31-2003, 10:51 AM
Ok are they available wholesale :-)

Keith Outten
01-01-2004, 8:48 PM
As soon as our unofficial beta testers have had a chance to use my new layout gage I will make them available to anyone who wants one. If you want one right now send me $20.00 and I'll ship one to you right away (revision 0). Sorry I can't make them any cheaper, if they were mass produced they would probably be less than five dollars but I would have to order 10,000 units and it ain't gonna happen unless Sears buys the design from me :)

Old Rebel, I have already included a gage in the package coming your way with the Corian sign and the video. Sorry for the hold-up but I have been busy working on a new wrought iron hanger design for yours and Terry Hatfields signs. I've got a couple of bugs to work out but the design is coming together nicely. Of course I wil post pictures of all the signs and hanger when they are complete.