View Full Version : Segmented Goblet

Jerry Gilman
04-24-2007, 7:26 PM
This 10 inch tall piece is made of Holly and Ebony veneers, the foot is Holly, Ebony and Pink Ivory.

Kaptan J.W. Meek
04-24-2007, 7:41 PM
REally Nice... How'd you do the flower petal effect?.... Glued up layers on a cone shapped blank?..

Jerry Gilman
04-24-2007, 7:47 PM
Here is a quick sketch of the Goblet glue-up (does not include the stem or foot of the goblet, that will be done later and is more complicated).

Your looking at the end view of a completed glue-up (3.5 inches long).

1-The central square core should be about 1/2" square (this core is then
wrapped in veneer on all four sides.
2- Four triangles (3.5 inches long are glued to the core's veneer to form
the second tier.
3- The second tier is then wrapped in veneer, and this process is repeated
until you have built up all the tiers show in the diagram.
4- The final step is to glue 1/4 thick pieces of wood that are 3.5 inches long
to each side.
5- The piece is mounted to the lathe making certain that the piece is
mounted dead center (the design will be ruined if this is not done).

Notes: It is crucial that the triangles meet to form a perfect square,
covering all the veneer as you build each level.

The steeper the angle of the cuts (goblet taper) the thinner
the contrasting veneers will appear and visa versa.

You can add more tiers if you want, but not less than shown.

This is a difficult project that will require taking your time and making
certain that the pieces are cut and sanded perfectly. But I know you
can do it. When you get the goblets top completed post a photo and
I will walk you thru the foots design which is more complicated.

I drew the diagram quickly by hand, so each section may not be perfectly equilateral (just ignore this).