View Full Version : Music Box Ideas

Waymon Campbell
12-30-2003, 1:52 PM
Hi everyone. I am looking for some help and inspiration from ya'll. Over the weekend one of our family friends and close neighbor lost their 19yr. old daughter in an auto accident. I am mulling around the idea of making a music box as a loving rememberence of the young lady to give to the family.

I was thinking of using some exotic wood for the box, with perhaps a laser engraved picture of her on the top, and dovetail edges. Anyone have any ideas, suggestions, pictures, etc...

Many thanks,

James Carpenter
12-30-2003, 3:03 PM
First, I am sorry to hear of their loss, as a parent it is always hard to hear of others that are lost so young.
Here is a music box i made using a set of plans from Rockler. Let me know if you like it and i'll give you a few tips i learned the hard way.

Keith Outten
12-30-2003, 3:10 PM

If your going to laser engrave a photo on the box consider cherry or alder for the material. These are the two best choices for laser engraving. If you can't find a local engraver let me know, I will donate my services for such a special gift.

Check the Design Forum, there are a couple of box joint plans I uploaded for the laser cut boxes I have been making. Possibly one of them is what you are looking for, I'm sure that several of our members will chip in and help you find a suitable plan.

If you elect to use James plan the glass could be engraved (before assembly).

We're all sorry for your loss, it is a terrible tragedy when someone so young is taken from a loving family and friends.

Waymon Campbell
12-30-2003, 10:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words. And Keith, I appreciate very much your offer. I found a local engraver (www.texlaser.com), and will try them. If they do not pan out, I may take you up on your kind offer. In any event, I will use cherry as you suggest.

Keith, would it be possible to post a couple of the pictures I have of the young lady and have you take a look for me to determine the most "engravable" one? I would really appreciate it. If so, I'll post them in the Laser Forum tomorrow. Also, I plan on just using poly over the cherry top. I assume that I should do that before engraving? Any other tips you could offer would be gratefully accepted.

I'll keep you posted as to status. And once again, thanks for the care you have exhibited. You are a blessing.
