View Full Version : Badger Pond?

Dennis McDonaugh
02-28-2003, 5:38 PM
I just deleted the bookmark to the pond. I wonder how many of us are going to go there tomorrow just to see if Wayne wasn't pulling our leg?

Ken Salisbury
02-28-2003, 5:54 PM
Originally posted by Dennis McDonaugh
I just deleted the bookmark to the pond. I wonder how many of us are going to go there tomorrow just to see if Wayne wasn't pulling our leg?
Not me - I have already moved into a new home and had the utilities turned on.

Rod Peterson
02-28-2003, 6:10 PM
<i><font color="blue">I just deleted the bookmark to the pond. I wonder how many of us are going to go there tomorrow just to see if Wayne wasn't pulling our leg?</font></i>

I will. Not because I think he was pulling our leg, because I'm certain he wasn't; especially with that quote in his epilogue.

But I just want to see what happens when I click on. Not that I've never seen a <i>can't find host xxx</i> or "404" before.

I haven't been over there today, though. I had long ago gotten any of the files or graphics from there that I wanted, and with the frenzy last night, I had read all yesterday's posts that I wanted to.

Today I've been jumping around from one place to another and just generally surfing the web.

John Miliunas
02-28-2003, 7:20 PM
Nope. This is now "home" and I like it here just fine. No reason to go back there. Besides, I like the fresh water that flows through a Creek more than the standing water in a Pond. (G):D

Dave Hammelef
02-28-2003, 8:02 PM
Well, I'll Fess up I have Looked at the pond at least 4 times today, has not changed. I will probably check it out tomorrow also. I know lots of you have found this a nice new home, but I still find it clumsy to get around. Even though I am not that old I get set in my ways pretty fast. I do find myself coming here more than any other place but I still only feel like a visitor.


Dave Anderson
02-28-2003, 8:04 PM
Hey Ken,
Yeah, I'll probably give one final click when I get back to work on Monday just to have complete closure.

Then... it's full speed and a fresh dip into new waters HERE in the Saw Mill's Creek.:cool:

I have a lot of other WW Forums bookmarked - as I did when I was on the Pond - but expect this will be my home.

I've realized that I'd rather dedicate my time and energies in getting to know a single special place to discuss woodworking. I spent time on "other" forums throughout the month to get the feel of those places. I didn't like jumping around!

Since "The Creek" was born by and for Ponders it seems a good place to hang my hat and have a brewski or three.

Former Fellow Ponders and "Newbies" (I dislike the term...) will build The Creeks new Community. :D

George@Colonel's Workshop
02-28-2003, 8:17 PM
Good Evening Dennis,

I haven't deleted mine yet. But Wayne's bottom line was pretty definite, wasn't it? We're here today, and the Pond will be gone tomorrow. Every time I discuss repairs to a piece of customer's furniture, I always say of the permanent repair: nothing is forever.


Jim Fuller
02-28-2003, 8:18 PM
I also deleted the bookmark. Didn't post as much there as I do here but hopefully I'm here to stay.

John Miliunas
02-28-2003, 8:20 PM
I too am somewhat a creature of habit. I find the best way for me to learn is repetition. Therefore, the more often you find your way out here, the more accustomed you'll become much more of a "local" than a visitor. If all else fails, check out Ken's site (http://www.klsal.com/creek.htm) for a real good tutorial of this forum. Tips, hints, etc.. I'm sure Keith won't mind visitors, but at some point, you WILL be assimilated! Might as well not fight it and join in the fun.:D

Ron McNeil
02-28-2003, 8:39 PM
I deleted my bookmark to the pond this morning. My thoughts are the pond has flowed into the creek and the creek is at the Sawmill and that is where my hat will hang from now on. Isn't Life Great!:p

Jim Morrow
02-28-2003, 9:46 PM
Well yes and no, I deleted my bookmarks at work but haven't done so at home. I plan on going there once more just to make sure its gone. This would be just like you guys to stage the Ponds closing just for a little joke on Jim. ;-)
take care,

craig carlson
02-28-2003, 9:56 PM

I'll delete the bookmark after I send this. I'd like to say thanks to Ken for telling us x-Ponders about this site. What drew me to the Pond was the the format of the web page and later the people. All the other alternatives were OK but not what I was really interested in on a daily basis. So, here I am.

Craig Carlson
Sebastopol, Ca

Phil Phelps
02-28-2003, 10:03 PM
That's outta' here uno momento. Thanks for the reminder. It's memories, now. This is the spinoff. :cool:

Mark Mandell
03-01-2003, 12:05 AM
It's gone at 11:55pm (my clock) with the "Closed" sign hangin' in the window.

Rik Rickerson
03-01-2003, 12:09 AM
Mine was deleted 11:01pm cst. Glad to have found a new home at the creek.

Mike Mastin
03-01-2003, 12:30 AM
I started to click over one last time, but decided like the ending of any relationship, there nothing there anymore, so why do it. I have a lot of great memories and these are what I will cherish.

I like it here and it feels better over all than any of the other WW forums to me.

Ruby in NC
03-01-2003, 6:44 AM
Haven't deleted the bookmarks yet, but did change my home page to SMC, when Wayne locked the gate to the Pond.

IMHO, the headwaters for the Pond and the Mill are the same. We're splashing the the same water, just at another spot on the banks. I'm glad that Keith and others cut a path through the woods so we can get jump in here. While I'll hike over the hills to other streams from time to time, looks like this one will be "home".


Del Williams
03-01-2003, 7:45 AM
I couldn't resist one last click to BP (sort of like gawking at an accident). Wayne has hung out the "Closed - Moved " sign. This is looking more like home every minute.

Richard Brown
03-01-2003, 12:54 PM
I just looked and saw the "Closed Move-on" sign on the Badger Pond and removed the Book Mark.

William Parks
03-01-2003, 10:13 PM
The pond's been drained but the creek's a runnin.... Home is where you hang your hat and I've hung mine on a limb here at the creek.