View Full Version : Help on Vacuum Chucking

Hilel Salomon
04-18-2007, 8:41 AM
I've been getting frustrated using cole and jumbo jaws to reverse turn and decided to take a plunge on vacuum chuckiing. As part of my plunge, I ordered a vacuum adaptor and faceplate for my nova DVR up here (finally back up in the mountains) and two gast pumps which were recommended in this forum. When I got the adaptor, though, the instructions state that it is for use with high volume low pressure- shop vacuums and not for pumps. TV Geist at Teknatools told me that pumps were better???? Anybody out there using this?? Also, in addition to wiring the pumps when they get here (one is headed for Columbia where I have a powermatic) what else will I need? I assume that in Columbia, I will need an adaptor and a faceplate-though I seem to recall that most of you make your own- but what kind of tubing and what else?
Oh... Up here I can only get on the internet intermittently so If I don't reply very quickly it isn't because I'm being discourteous.
Thanks, Hilel