View Full Version : Woodpecker Router Table (w/incra fence)

Rob Littleton
12-28-2003, 1:12 PM

I recently purchased the woodpecker router table with incra fence and a PC router to go in. At the wood show, the guy demoing this thing was able to make dovetails within dovetails at a breeze. I have just gotten some CMT router bits for christmas and want to make just a simple finger joint box. Is it really as simple as sliding in a template and just using the points on the template? Has anyone done this yet? Does the template make the box joints fit perfect first time or is there some jiggery pokery to do? At the show, I was on fire to get started but I didnt have the router bits. Now I have the bits, Im kinda nervous and maybe forgotten some of the things.

Cheers for your help.

12-28-2003, 8:50 PM
Try some scraps before you commit to expensive wood. But, it is pretty easy.
Make sure the jig is square all around. Use masking tape to shim the fence and sled so it is all square to the table (actually, square it to the insert). The directions in the book are good.
Another trick with the Incra is that you have to view the cursor from the same point all the time. This will avoid parallax that will get you off by one tick every so often.
The jointech has an anti-paralax cursor. Basically, they scribed a line on both sides of the plastic cursor. When both lines appear as one above the correct setting, you're there. If I still had my Incra, I'd take an xacto and scribe a line on the other side of the plastic cursor to achieve the same result. Such a simple solution to an annoying problem.

Have fun.

Jay St. Peter

12-28-2003, 11:21 PM
Yep - get it fitted right and then go to the book. Find the right pattern and start! If you aren't trying to center the joints in the middle of the board it's especially easy.