View Full Version : Grinding Wheels?

Kevin Gerstenecker
12-28-2003, 12:25 PM
What is the difference between a White and Pink Aluminum Oxide Grinding Wheel? There is some information out there that explains it a little, but I was wanting to hear if anyone here has first hand experience using a Pink Wheel. Is it better than the White, the same, or not as good? Thanks for any and all input.........inquiring minds want to know! :D

Jim Becker
12-28-2003, 12:52 PM
What is the difference between a White and Pink Aluminum Oxide Grinding Wheel?

To my understanding, AO wheels, white, pink or blue, are pretty much the same thing, although in some cases a particular manufacturer might use color to denote "quality". For turning, I personally like a 100 grit finishing wheel and use it for most sharpening and a 60 grit wheel for "shaping" or "re-shaping". I find a 120 grit wheel too slick and un-necessary for turning, especially since you sharpen often. The 100 grit wheels are a little harder to find sometimes, but Packard Woodworks carries them if your normal supplier doesn't.

Scott Greaves
12-28-2003, 1:58 PM
Hi Kevin,

There are a lot of differences among grinder wheels, and a lot of what it comes down to is friability. That is the ability of the material to fracture and slough off particles, exposing sharp new particles for cutting. Yes, grinding wheels are cutting tools. Here is a great link to a page on Kestral Creek (which is a great woodturning site) that explains a lot about the nature of grinder wheels. Good Luck!

