View Full Version : Another Way To Dummy Up

George Tokarev
04-15-2007, 1:40 PM
Pulled this from the garage, where I had left it to dry a bit after cutting a month ago. Only after I had retrued the outside and begun thinning did I remember the note I should have written on the blank. "Chainsaw damage to remove."

Nice shape, bark held, but someone forgot that he had rotated the saw against the spikes while crosscutting. Only an eighth inch less diameter and the damage would be gone, but as the second picture shows, they're present and ugly. Should I rip the bark off or call it a "feature?"

Pat Salter
04-15-2007, 3:19 PM
If you hadn't pointed it out..............and even then it's hard to tell in the picture..........no one would notice. I've often told people, "you want perfect? buy plastic". Folks that enjoy wood would enjoy the imperfections. I know I do. I do have two questions:
1. what kind of wood?
2. what kind of finish are you going to put on it?
3. how big is it?
See? if I can't notice the number of questions, how can I worry about those little chips???:D
Don't forget to post finish pics

Ps. I would leave the bark on it. see what happens when you put the finish on. I use Tung oil on a lot of my NE's and it seems to hide some of those boo boos.

Glenn Hodges
04-15-2007, 3:30 PM
George, I often have this problem with my natural edge bowls. I save bark from the center, and glue it on the missing edge before I sand. I have never had a customer notice where I glued the piece. Gluing the piece on with CA glue before sanding is the key.

Steve Schlumpf
04-15-2007, 4:55 PM
George, interesting platter! Either leave bark as is or repair as per Glenn's suggestion. Would like to see the finished product if possible.

Roy Griggs
04-15-2007, 5:09 PM
I don't see it....

Christopher K. Hartley
04-15-2007, 8:58 PM
Forge ahead young man...or so it has been said. I vote leave it on.:)

Bernie Weishapl
04-15-2007, 10:32 PM
Very nice George. I vote to leave it on. Nice job. I agree with Pat. If you want perfection then buy plastic.

Jonathon Spafford
04-16-2007, 12:25 PM
Who's gonna notice... as turner's were gonna notice a lot more imperfections than anyone else cause we know what to look for! This one looks great and the mistake isn't obvious!

George Tokarev
04-16-2007, 3:56 PM
True on being our own worst critics. I'm just mad at myself for leaving that straight line chewed across a curved surface. Not as if it would have been difficult to write a note to myself on the blank. The bark seems to be holding, so I'll probably leave it.

Kaptan J.W. Meek
04-16-2007, 5:40 PM
If you don't have bark from the center to glue on, why not just sand the edge round?... Obviously the piece needs finish on it, but the form is great, and I think it would look fine if the entire outter edge was just rounded off.

Paul Engle
04-17-2007, 1:44 PM
Bark Bark ! leave it alone ....:cool: