View Full Version : Finish/ design question

Kevin McPeek
04-14-2007, 1:18 AM
I notice that a lot people do not do anything beyond sanding on the inside of their HFs. My first few I put oil and didn't seem to have any issues with but I am just wondering what the conventional wisdom is about the proper way to finish (or not) the inside of a HF. The same goes for lidded boxes. I see a lot of them, even some for sale, that have no finish inside.

Jonathon Spafford
04-14-2007, 2:52 AM
Funny that someone wouldn't finish the inside of a lidded box... they look so much better finished. Never turned a hollow form myself, but it seems that most of the guys one here turn theirs with such a small opening that there is little point in adding a finish or even sanding inside... in fact, often it is almost impossible. I think most leave hf's unfinished. Now if you can get your hand inside I would definitely think it would improve the quality if you were to sand and finish the inside for those people that can (and will) stick their fingers/hands inside... that is just my $.029! Someone who has more experience might come by and put me in my place though ;)

Joash Boyton
04-14-2007, 5:07 AM
I turn many hollow forms, with small openings, and I always sand as far, as I can reach, and I have long fingers, so when the average person puts their fingers in, they fell it all smooth. I only finish the opening, and the outside of the form. Most of the time, I will burn the rim/opening, to create an ultimate contrast. If the form, has LARGE voids/opening on the side, then a bit of oil sloshed around in there, always gives a nice touch...

The inside of a box, should ALWAYS be sanded, and finished.

Just my $.030 ($.001 higher then Johnathan's:p)

George Tokarev
04-14-2007, 7:25 AM
Yeah, I'm a slosher myself. You have to do something to equalize inside/outside adsorbtion/desorbtion rates, I suppose. Certainly not going to be as important (or at all) as with planks, but it's quick and easy, so why not?

Easy to sand enough to fool the fingers; takes more to fool the eye. Finger will never differentiate the scratches from the background, especially in the dark. Hollow stuff from me gets smooth and slosh. Not as if they're a great seller anyway.

Boxes are a real PITA, especially those tiny sanding circles at the bottom of end-grain types. They are sanded to fool the eye, but it takes some effort.

Bernie Weishapl
04-14-2007, 9:09 AM
Kevin I always finish the insides of my lidded boxes. Doesn't make any difference which finish I use the inside always gets the same. On hollow forms I always finish the inside also. Most of the time I use Watco Danish, Watco Teak, Miniwax Tung Oil or Miniwax Antique oil. I just pour some in roll it around till it has covered the entire surface.

Steve Kubien
04-14-2007, 9:12 AM
Wouldn't not finishing the inside of a piece would be kinda like not finishing the underside of a table? You would be asking for movement, distortion and other problems down the road.

Two Canadian cents

Steve Kubien
Ajax, Ontario

Kevin McPeek
04-14-2007, 11:53 AM
Thanks for the replies.
I guess my pet peeve is when I see into a HF and the wood doesn't have the same color/shade as the outside. I know putting an actual film finish on is a little over the top... depending on the form and size of opening.