View Full Version : Will it sag

Mario Lucchesi
04-13-2007, 1:17 PM
I am getting ready to put some sheet good up on my shop ceiling and was wondering if I put 7/16 OSB up with rafters 24" on center will the OSB start to sag over time?
If so what would you recomend?

Furing strips?

Other sheet stock?

Nancy Laird
04-13-2007, 1:25 PM
Mario, the OSB shouldn't sag if there's no weight on it and it's well attached to the rafters. Use drywall screws to hang it and put the screws in about every 6-8 inches. Shouldn't be a problem, no more than 12' sheets of drywall on the ceiling.


Eric Wong
04-13-2007, 1:27 PM
I checked out the Sagulator (http://www.woodbin.com/calcs/sagulator.htm), and it said for a load of 100 pounds between the rafters, on full sheets of OSB, you would only get about .22" of sag.

Seems like you would be fine storing large sheets up there.
The only thing I would be concerned about is the total load on the trusses with snow loads in winter. Make sure your trusses can take it.

Al Killian
04-13-2007, 1:30 PM
I know osb doesnt do well hanging from ceilings with large spaceing between centers. You might have to put up some cross braces to help keep it from sagging. What about drywall?

Tom Jones III
04-13-2007, 2:03 PM
Works fine for me, it has been about 2 years. The only weight on the OSB is insulation. The only place it sags is where the joists were not placed correctly and the edge of the OSB does not fall on a joist. I used screws to attach it.

Paul Johnstone
04-13-2007, 2:28 PM
Are you storing the OSB up there, or are you fastening down the OSB to the rafters so you can store stuff on top of it?

If you are fastening down the OSB to make a floor for storage, you should be ok as long as you don't put too much weight on it.

If you are storing OSB up there, I'm not sure if that's ok or not. No experience to draw from.