View Full Version : Table construction ???

Chuck Harris
04-13-2007, 12:26 PM
I getting ready to build a table for a bar so this thing will most likely be abused.

Here the details. The owner has acquired a cedar slab about 10' long and 3' wide for the top. So thats the rough dimensions. The table will be coffee table height as in low. I plan to hand plane the top to smooth it and do some small chip carvings on it. Same goes for the underside hand plane to get it level and smooth. As for the edge I plan to use a scroll saw to remove the bark but leave a natural flowing shape.

The legs are the question. I'm thinking a trestle design made of hard maple. Joints will be done with mortice and tennon and offset dowels to increase strength. Two sets of legs 4' apart with a streacher between each set. ends of the strechers done with mortice tennon and wedge for added strength. I'd like to stay away from mechanical fastners for durability thinking "old school" tavern style construction.

Any thoughts or hints?

Eric Wong
04-13-2007, 12:45 PM
I agree that trestle legs would probably be the best bet. I would think that the center lengthwise crossbar would might create a lot of banged up shins, though. However, that could drive beer sales so its all good.

[edit] Whoops, I must have missed the part where you said the table would be really low. So scratch the comment about the banged up shins. Have to find another way to drive beer sales.

Jim Becker
04-13-2007, 2:53 PM
Sounds like it's going to be a wonderful table. I do wonder how you propose to use a scroll saw for the edges...it's likely thick material and even supporting that board through a very long time duration cut would be tricky. Did you mean a jig saw?

I do concur with the trestle support...one towards each end an probably one or two in the middle as you propose...it's a long table.

glenn bradley
04-13-2007, 2:59 PM
Through tenons with wedge keys might allow for 'adjustment' over time(?).