View Full Version : Tenon blade.

George Armstrong
04-11-2007, 7:37 PM
What is the best blade to use when cutting tenons with a tenon jig? I'm using a 10" table saw?

glenn bradley
04-11-2007, 7:42 PM
I use an 80T Freud with good results.

Jim Becker
04-11-2007, 8:20 PM
For the shoulder cuts, definitely a cross-cut blade or quality general purpose blade like the WW-II. For the cheek cuts, a ripping blade is more efficient, but a good GP blade will also do well there if you don't want to change blades in between cuts.

George Armstrong
04-12-2007, 10:21 AM
Do I need the flat top tooth blade? Are either of these blades that configuration?

Jim Becker
04-12-2007, 10:27 AM
Do I need the flat top tooth blade? Are either of these blades that configuration?

Not for the shoulder cuts, for sure...you want the fibers to be sheared so while a blade with a raker tooth (a flat top) is fine, you still want the ATB tooth format that cross cuts cleanly. Honestly, a general purpose/combo blade is the easiest to use for this kind of cutting and is what most folks keep on their saws all the time. A decent blade is a good investment, especially over time.

George Armstrong
04-12-2007, 10:36 AM
I have the Freud LU84R011 50 tooth combination blade. I'm happy with it but wasn't sure it was the blade I need to do a nice tenon. Thanks for the reply(S).