View Full Version : newly cut timber. need advice on sectioning

Matt Haus
04-11-2007, 4:04 PM
I have recenly cut down a tree and have multiple huge logs to sectoin for turning. Can anyone recommend an article of how to prepair the wood for turning? In other words, how do I cut the stuff up?

04-11-2007, 4:16 PM
I'm assuming you have a chain saw? There are several ways to do this. Ask 5 people get 7 answers. I typically take the log and saw the length to 2/3 the diameter. So if it a 12" log I make a length 9". I end sael it with paint (most use anchor seal, I have paint so I use it when it runs out I'll use it too). If you are going to go ahead and rough it into bowl blank, then cut the log in half trimming out the center pith. Make the half log remaining relatively round on a band saw or with the chain saw. You can the chuck it up and rough turn it to a bowl shape. Then comes the decision to final turn green or to soak it or paint and let sit to dry. I hope this helps. There is a great article for making bowl blanks on the american wood workers site. Good luck and congrats on the haul!

Jim Becker
04-11-2007, 4:19 PM
There is an article on Bill Grumbine's personal site relative to cutting up a log for turning.

George Tokarev
04-11-2007, 5:14 PM
Leave in the log and harvest by sections, tacking some cardboard over the newly exposed end. Means cutting an extra inch or so in length over the diameter of the log to make sure any sneaky checks don't grow. Then rough like crazy.