View Full Version : Is a gloating ok?

joe pezza
04-09-2007, 12:48 PM
Allright, the freight company called. My new Laguna TSS slider Table saw is in. Going to p/u tonight. Sadly, wont be able to start to uncrate and get in my basement until after my vacation next week. But Ill post pics as soon as I get set up.

Sorry for the gloat, but no one else understands the anticipation and excitement of a new machine like a fellow woodworker.

Joe P :p :)

Gary Keedwell
04-09-2007, 12:51 PM
Allright, the freight company called. My new Laguna TSS slider Table saw is in. Going to p/u tonight. Sadly, wont be able to start to uncrate and get in my basement until after my vacation next week. But Ill post pics as soon as I get set up.

Sorry for the gloat, but no one else understands the anticipation and excitement of a new machine like a fellow woodworker.

Joe P :p :)

Gloating? Your gloating at SMC? Shame on you.:D
Gary K.

Tyler Howell
04-09-2007, 12:55 PM
No it's Not.
A great vacation would consist of unpacking and playing with a new toy.
No pictures?
Didn't happen:rolleyes:

joe pezza
04-09-2007, 1:00 PM
Tyler, It a close toss up. New machine or a villa in Jamaica w/the familly? I swear Ill post the pics/proof when I get back. Or maybe I post a pics of the crate.

glenn bradley
04-09-2007, 1:07 PM
I know the feeling of the pre-gloat-syndrome very well. Share your anticipation, we'll all catch the buzz.

P.s. You can leave out the vacation shots when you finally post your pics :D :D :D .

John Schreiber
04-09-2007, 1:09 PM
Send the family to the villa in Jamaca. A new saw is much better.

I want to see a picture of the crate.

Jim Becker
04-09-2007, 1:13 PM
Gloating? Never around here.... :D :D :D

(Congrats on your soon-to-be-new-saw!)

Ted Miller
04-09-2007, 1:20 PM
Joe, We live for gloating here. I have owned the Laguna TS for years. since I live only a few miles from Laguna Tools I do go there often and drool at the newer stuff on the market.

The customer service is great.

Let us know how the TSS runs for ya.

Oh and the picture police will be all over you unless you provide pics...

Paul Douglass
04-09-2007, 1:44 PM
Hummmm, Family gone, easier to put new saw together and play with:) :) .....

scott spencer
04-09-2007, 3:19 PM
Just because we gloat whenever we can, doesn't make it ok! :rolleyes:

But gloats without pics are an open invitation for harassment and relentless teasing! :D