View Full Version : Metric Conversion Chart (for Domino Users)

Pete Brown
04-08-2007, 4:36 PM
While most of the settings on the Domino and other Festool tools can be done by sight without using measurements, I found that this chart I made in Excel 2007 helps out a bit when doing initial sizing. The download is a PDF copy.

Feel free to download and post it on your wall. You can get it here (http://www.irritatedVowel.com/pub/PMB_MetricConversionChart.pdf).

Also, if you ever want to convert a single value, you can type conversions into Google search. For example: 30mm in inches and Google will return the conversion value for you.


Jeff Wright
04-08-2007, 4:45 PM
Pete, I also find my caliper that reads in metric, imperial and fractions is helpful. I carry it in my apron all the time, so entering a metric value and changing the read-out to inches (or fractions) is fast.

Gary Keedwell
04-08-2007, 8:49 PM
Pete, I also find my caliper that reads in metric, imperial and fractions is helpful. I carry it in my apron all the time, so entering a metric value and changing the read-out to inches (or fractions) is fast.
Your right Jeff....just push the button. It really is that easy.
Gary K.

Paul Douglass
04-08-2007, 11:12 PM
I go here. Can't get any easier:


Can't hang it on the wall though, which is nice.

Sorry I probably should not have posted, I don't belong to the Festool club, well at least not yet!

Steven Evans
04-09-2007, 12:16 AM
I like it thanks!!