View Full Version : First Post ... Hi

Shane Whitlock
04-07-2007, 10:27 PM
Hi Everyone .. My name is Shane. Neal Addy sent me a link to this site and after lurking for a while I decided to join in the fun. Looks like a very active forum and I see some amazing pieces being posted ... I hope to learn a lot.

Here's a few pics of my turnings ... if I can figure out how to post a pic, they are not showing up in the preview.

Pic 1:Box Elder Burl Hollow Forms .. I love turning Box Elder Burl

Pic 2: Box Elder Burl Vase

Pic 3: Box Elder Burl Bowl and HF .. hf is about 1 1/2" tall

Pic 4: Full sized Hat, I wear it daily, turned out of a gnarly piece of Cottonwood. Beads are turned out of Box Elder.

Pic 5: Elm Burl Hollow Form on a ped. 10" wide, 17" tall. I just finished this one today. I am weak on my spindle turning and I don't really care for these to much. They are not glued yet so I can turn some new ones after more practice.

More of my turnings can be seen HERE (http://www.pbase.com/shaner/wood_turings)
Thanks for viewing and comment/critiques are always welcome,

Dennis Peacock
04-07-2007, 10:31 PM
Welcome Shane!!!!

Beautiful turnings you have there. Welcome to SMC!!!!! BTW, try to keep Neal in line will ya. ;)

Ken Fitzgerald
04-07-2007, 10:32 PM
Shane...........Welcome to the Creek!

I think WE will learn something from you! Nice projects. Your spindle work doesn't look bad......But HFs like that IMHO take a special spindle form and finding the form for a particular HF can be interesting. Also...beauty is in the eye of the beholder I've been told and I agree! So what looks good to me may not look good to others.....

Welcome to the Creek!

Lars Thomas
04-07-2007, 10:42 PM
Looks like you do great work Shane. Welcome to the creek. Lars

Steve Schlumpf
04-07-2007, 11:01 PM
Shane - Welcome to the Creek! Beautiful work! Looking forward to seeing more!

Travis Stinson
04-07-2007, 11:15 PM
Welcome Shane. You do some beautiful work! Looking forward to seeing plenty more. Oh yea, don't believe everything that Addy fella tells you. ;)

John Chandler
04-08-2007, 12:48 AM
Nice looking work.

Jonathon Spafford
04-08-2007, 2:42 AM
That is some awesome work! The wood looks awesome and your forms are great! All of it looks superb! I looked at your website and am also impressed by your photography skills... breathtaking pix on there! You are definitely an artist... thanks for showing your stuff!

Oh yeah... and welcome to the creek ;) Make sure you post lots of pictures :D

Christopher K. Hartley
04-08-2007, 6:11 AM
Shane, I've seen your work before and it is wonderful! Welcome to the Creek! It is great to have you here. Just dive in and help us all learn and have fun together.:)

Bob Hallowell
04-08-2007, 7:16 AM
welcome Shane your stuff is great. I think you will be one of the ones teaching!


As Ken always says "you have answers, we have questions!"


Tom Sherman
04-08-2007, 8:58 AM
Welcome aboard Shane, from the looks of things You'll be giving as many tips as you get. Nice work.

Jim Becker
04-08-2007, 9:42 AM
Beautiful work, Shane! And welcome...

Shane Whitlock
04-08-2007, 11:11 AM
Thanks for the comments and the warm welcome everyone. This looks like a great forum and I look forward to participating more. :D

Bernie Weishapl
04-08-2007, 11:16 AM
Shane first off welcome. From the looks of your sight I think I will be doing some learning from you. Those are some beautiful turnings. You must really keep a eye on that Addy fellow. Keep him in line.:rolleyes::cool:;)

John Miliunas
04-08-2007, 11:48 AM
Holy smokes, Shane! Wonderful work and I have to believe you have much to share with us in terms of giving US advice/tips, rather than the other way around! :) Welcome...Really glad to have you aboard! :) :cool:

Curt Fuller
04-08-2007, 12:01 PM
Howdy Neighbor!

Neal Addy
04-08-2007, 12:36 PM
Howdy Shane! Glad to see you come out of the shadows. Keep those posts coming.

Folks, keep an eye on this guy. Shane and I don't know each other personally but I've been watching his work on WoW. What he didn't mention is that he is a new turner (only been turning since the first of the year)! I hope he won't mind me telling you that but it gives you an appreciation for how far he's coming in such a short time.

Jonathon Spafford
04-08-2007, 4:45 PM
What he didn't mention is that he is a new turner (only been turning since the first of the year)!

GULP :eek: You're kidding! I have been turning around 4 years and still haven't turned a hat or a hollow form! :rolleyes:

Mark Pruitt
04-08-2007, 8:14 PM
Beautiful turnings, Shane! Welcome to SMC!

Keith Burns
04-08-2007, 9:37 PM
Welcome to the Creek Shane !!!!