View Full Version : New Arrival

Joseph Hock
04-07-2007, 11:01 AM
Hello to all! Newcomer to the Creek, though I have been browsing your very informative forums for a while now. In fact, they were big factors in my purchasing decision. I had been considering the Grizzly 1023XL, and the Jet JTAS-10XL, and while I was leaning toward the Jet, a bad customer service experience with Grizzly ultimately turned me away from them. (I will save that story for another post). In any event, since it seems customary to post pictures of 'new arrivals,' I thought I would follow suit. Just yesterday, I picked up my 'significant shop upgrade' and thought I should share some pics.

I purchased the Jet 708663PK from a local supplier (AW Meyer), which was comprised of six boxes and an additional six inside the saw. Unfortunately, due to current space limitations, as well as the need to upgrade my electrical to 220, it will take me some time to get this beauty assembled, up, and running. However, for what it's worth I am pleased so far :D .

The saw and components were well packaged, with only a few cosmetic blemishes identified so far. As you can see in the picture, the carton for the extension table and the fence rails show some external damage, but at least the table was un-hurt. I have yet to crack into the rails, but will carefully inspect them at the time of installation. I will keep you all posted as this project progresses.

Let me say this, it is probably was not a good idea to do this by myself, but I was able to move the saw from the pick-up into my home by myself. I needed a small amount of help from my wife, but all went smoothly. IF there is ever a next time, I will get help. A couple of beers can get you all the muscle you need! Any way, due to the weight of the machine, I had to 'field strip' the saw on the truck, so that I could off-load it. I had to rent an appliance dolly from a local big-box store, which did the trick. Some $14 dollars later, the saw was comfortably inside the house.

The only thing I need to check on, is the router lift. I was supposed to get the xacta lift with this kit, but it was nowhere to be found. I will follow-up on Monday. Now I need to get an electrician in here, and soon!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-07-2007, 11:08 AM
Welcome to the Creek Joseph! And a fine gloat you have there! May it serve you well! Please report back after you've used that saw for a while!

glenn bradley
04-07-2007, 12:11 PM
Welcome and enjoy the saw!

Alan Tolchinsky
04-07-2007, 2:13 PM
Joseph, Congrats to you ; that is one sweet saw. But a question for you : How did you get that off the truck bed and onto the ground? I know you said you rented an appliance dolly but getting that off the truck bed to the ground must have been hard. How'd you do it?

Jim Becker
04-07-2007, 2:21 PM
Welcome to the Creek, Joseph! A fine saw you have...until I bought my slider, I put the same Jet LT to use for many years.

Joseph Hock
04-07-2007, 5:11 PM
Hi Alan,

Thanks for your question. Getting it off the truck proved to be less intimidating a process that I initially thought. Believe me, for a while there, I was questioning my own judgment of not paying for delivery with a lift gate. In any event, after unbolting the saw from the pallet (two bolts, in opposite corners), I was able to rock the saw up onto one corner of the cabinet base and pivot it 180 degrees. This left about half the saw hanging off the pallet. I slowly lowered that side onto two 2x4 blocks that I had placed onto the bed of the truck. (This decreased the drop distance from the pallet surface to the truck bed, potentially an unnecessary step, but I didn't want to take any chances - especially since I borrowed my father-in-law's pickup!) Anyway, with the saw now canted downward toward the 2x4's, I just tipped it slightly further to allow me to remove the pallet. I then slowly let the saw down onto the truck bed. After that, I carefully removed the 2x4 blocks and brought in the appliance dolly/hand truck. Using 2x12 ramps, I just rolled the saw off the truck onto the driveway. From there is was a piece of cake!

Like a said, a bit of pondering and a bunch of maneuvering and I was home-free!

Carroll Courtney
04-07-2007, 6:07 PM
I like looking at new toys, even if it is in someone else's garage.It is in the garage Jos. right?

Joseph Hock
04-07-2007, 7:32 PM
Actually no, it isn't in the garage - unfortunately, I don't have a garage, (but I am working on that too!). Ultimately, this saw will have to take up residence in the basement. That is temporarily, until I can build a nice detached workshop . . . er, ah, I mean garage!

Corey Hallagan
04-07-2007, 7:38 PM
Great gloat Joseph, enjoy it!


Paul Douglass
04-07-2007, 7:50 PM
Welcome Jo! Boy isn't it exciting to get a brand new cabinet saw. I just did the same, fact turned mune on the first time today. I, like you, unloaded and put it in my workshop by myself. I use my trusty old "cherry Picker" (engine hoist). It really was a piece if cake. Took be a long time because I went real slow and make I didn't scratch or dent anything.

Glad to have you at the creek! Now get a hat so it is official!:D

Alan Tolchinsky
04-07-2007, 10:56 PM
Hi Joseph, That makes sense. Have fun with the new machine. I can almost hear it purring like a kitten.