View Full Version : Brese Planes

Ryan Cathey
04-07-2007, 10:26 AM
Ron couldn't put a link up being financially connected and all but I'm not connected so I'll do it for him. Ron Brese has started his website and is building planes for sale. Here's the link http://www.breseplane.com/ . Good luck Ron.

-Ryan C.

Zahid Naqvi
04-07-2007, 10:43 AM
Thanks for putting up the link, I was meaning to do the same myself.

Doug Shepard
04-07-2007, 2:39 PM
Cool. Cant afford one right now but it's nice to have another option. They look great.

Ron - Just FYI. You might want to edit the following line in your webpage html. Bookmarking your site causes the bookmark title to be named "Blank".
"<hs:title> --><title>Blank</title><!-- </hs:title>"

Ron Brese
04-07-2007, 5:17 PM
Thanks for the heads up Doug, I'll try to do a repair. If you get a chance try book marking it again, and if you don't get a good description please let me know.



Doug Shepard
04-07-2007, 5:55 PM
Much better than Blank now. I get "Hand planes for Woodworking,Brese Plane".

Jim Becker
04-07-2007, 6:03 PM
Congrats on the new site, Ron! I hope business ramps up nicely for you.

BTW, your "state" is missing from the address at the bottom of the page... ;)

Ron Brese
04-07-2007, 8:34 PM
Thanks Jim, I appreciate the help with the little details, I'll get it fixed straight away.


rick fulton
04-09-2007, 8:36 AM
Wow Ron. Not just fine hand planes. I'd say you do some fine woodworking too. Nice web site.