View Full Version : GRIZZLY 1079 Reviews-Info

Greg Cole
04-05-2007, 9:47 AM
Any owners of a Grizz 1079, 16" dual drum sander want to share any info on it? Good, bad & otherwise.... I'd love to hear it.
I have a chance to pick up a very slightly used one for a decent price. I've been steering myself away from the open ended style, just based on the mixed reviews from "great to had one, hated it, never got it set up right, sold it" etc.
Any other input for other brands of drum sander would be appreciated too. I much prefer Creeker info versus random reviews.


CPeter James
04-05-2007, 12:08 PM
I have a Performax 25X2 and it is pretty good, but not worth anywhere near what they charge for a new one. I picked it up used and paid 25% of new cost and at that price is was worth it. I would look at General and Powermatic. They are under $2500 as I remember seeing them and they looked better built than my Performax.


Greg Cole
04-05-2007, 12:18 PM
I can get my hands on this one for about 6 bills and a few hours in the truck..... if I was in the market for a new one I'd have to nearly double up on that. Plus buy the abrasives etc etc..... this one has rolls of abrasives.

I can get by without, but a hardly used machine for a decent price is a temptation for sure.... I HATE , HATE , HATE sitting down with a ROS for hours on end... I've gone down the Neander path already for one option to avoid the ROS. A sander like one of these is a time saver.

Thanks for the $0.02.
