View Full Version : A Beeg Tree! (Pics!)

Bill Grumbine
12-23-2003, 7:00 PM
Good evening all

Yesterday I got a call from a friend of mine, Bob Berner, about a very large maple tree. I told him I was interested, as I am fresh out of fresh maple. We arrived at the site where the tree was being taken down, and spoke with the gentleman running the crane. After some negotiations, he agreed to bring the tree to me for a very modest fee. How modest? Let's just say that if the whole thing were to turn into firewood, I would still be way ahead of the game.

<img src= "http://www.enter.net/~ultradad/maplecrane01.jpg">

SWMBO and all the kids came out to watch this one, and SWMBO brought the camera. She made a point of thanking the operator for bringing this log to me, saying that they all had experience in cutting and hauling the big stuff. Here is a long shot of the crane just getting ready to lift the log off the back of the truck.

<img src= "http://www.enter.net/~ultradad/maplecrane02.jpg">

This is a closeup of this behemoth rising off the back of the truck. Hydraulics are a wonderful thing. I am recovering from an attack of tendonitis in my lower back, and the operator broke two of the fingers on his left hand loading this thing, so we made a sorry pair, but we managed. For scale, you can see me standing on the back of the flatbed of the truck, although I am somewhat obscured by the trees. My trusty Chevy K1500 is in the background.

<img src= "http://www.enter.net/~ultradad/maplecrane03.jpg">

This picture will give you a real sense of the size of this thing. I have some huge logs of red oak and walnut in the field right now. Bob was with me for hauling them home too, and we needed to drag them out of my truck with the tractor. You can see a curly red oak butt sitting to the left of this monster. It about did for the suspension in my old truck. This log dwarfs anything else in the pile. Keep in mind that I am 6'2" and just shy of 400 lbs. SWMBETTE #3, a.k.a. Emily is sitting on the log. The operator estimated this log to weigh between 10,000 and 12,000 lbs. Is he right? I don't know and it doesn't matter. There is enough maple here for a lot of bowls, vessels, table legs, whatever. Oh yeah, while I can't say for sure yet, there are indications in the bark that it is curly. We shall see...


Kevin Gerstenecker
12-23-2003, 7:55 PM
Bill, that is either one BIG Maple Tree, or you are a midget! (I think the former is closer to it!) Nice score on a LOT of wood. I have been trying to get some Maple myself, I have turned some small Maple, and it is a close second to Cherry in my limited experience. Good call on the delivery too, a tree that size doesn't give a second chance should something freak happen. All in all, quite a Christmas Present! I too hope it has some curl to it..............that would be the icing on the cake! Merry Christmas to you and yours...........Have a Happy, Blessed and Healthy New Year! Thanks for sharing the pictures..........I have been a "Tree Guy" all my life, and you don't run across Maples that large every day.

Tom Sweeney
12-23-2003, 8:28 PM
Very cool Bill!
Can't wait to see if it has some curl to it & what you do with it.
BTW - how come you didn't use your GMC pickemup truck to haul the log :p

Jason Roehl
12-23-2003, 8:40 PM
Wow, Bill, you look positively small next to that little twig of a maple. Nice haul. Hope your back heals up quick, and your buddy's fingers heal soon, too.

Terry Quiram
12-24-2003, 11:09 AM

One of the advantages of country living. Lots of space to stock pile all that treasure wood. Nice haul.


Daniel Rabinovitz
12-24-2003, 11:36 AM
What? Using it for "turnings"!
You mean to tell me that you aren't going to slab it for "flat" work?
Anyway, Have a very merry and reverent Christmas,
A happy and healthy New Year