View Full Version : how do you bleach box elder?

Matt Haus
03-31-2007, 1:36 PM
I have a few blanks I am about to turn. I want the wood to appear whitish while still retaining the red. How do you bleech these to make em look like this,


Jonathon Spafford
03-31-2007, 1:38 PM
Here is a thread I started a while back on the same subject... most people claim that bleaching box elder won't effect the red streaks... so your good there!


Bill Blasic
04-01-2007, 9:59 AM
I just tried this a few weeks ago and like the link above suggests Klean Strip two part wood bleach works great. Remember a little goes a long way, you do not have to mix up a lot at one time. It did not effect the red. Be sure to read the directions and wear proper safety devices.