View Full Version : Out With the Old/In With the New

CPeter James
03-29-2007, 6:19 PM
Well, I sold my fire trucks that I had not used in over two years and bought something that looks like it will get a lot of use. I ordered my PM3520 two weeks ago from Western Tool in Manchester, NH and they called on Tuesday and said it was in. I went down yesterday and picked it up. It is heavy. I have a crane in the barn to lift tractor parts. I used that to pick it out of my truck and then put it in the bucket of my tractor. This is safer than trying to pick it out of the truck with the tractor. We are in the middle of the worst mud season we have had in years and the tractor was wallowing around, but I finally got it into the shop. I had a friend come over this morning and help me assemble it. It is just about all 2 guys can do alone. This is the smoothest running lathe I have ever used. I got the Oneway Stronghold chuck from Hartville Tool with 2 extra sets of jaws and I am going to build the Longworth Chuck to hold finished bowls to do the bottoms. This should put me in pretty good shape. It is a real pleasure to use and I think I am going to really enjoy it.

The fire truck leaving


My new 3520


Christopher K. Hartley
03-29-2007, 6:31 PM
Well there Mr. James looks like swapping mustard for Ketchup is going to be quite an exciting trip. She is a beauty!! Congrats! Now, if we can just keep that darn Mark Pruitt from going off the deep end again and holding roll call we should be OK. I'm excited for you even if it is Mustard!:)

Bill Wyko
03-29-2007, 6:37 PM
That's a real beautiful machine. I just got a new mayo myself. The only problem I see is with yours is it's too clean. You need to knock some wood chips off something. If you're like me, it's like X-Mas in March. I'm sure you will be posting some pics of some great work very soon. Seems like there are alot of people getting new machines so there should be some great work to be seen by everyone. Congradulations on the new mustard.:)

Steve Schlumpf
03-29-2007, 6:48 PM
Congrats on your new lathe!! Looking forward to seeing what you turn with it! Have fun and post often!

Pete Jordan
03-29-2007, 7:54 PM
Doesn't get much purdier than that!


Jonathon Spafford
03-29-2007, 8:52 PM
Congrats! It's a beautiful machine... but... its just... Andy aint gonna like it! :rolleyes:

Ken Fitzgerald
03-29-2007, 9:30 PM
Congrats! Now get it covered with curlies!

Bernie Weishapl
03-29-2007, 9:30 PM
Congrats on the new lathe. Looks like a awesome machine.

Lou Morrissette
03-29-2007, 9:56 PM
Sure purdies up that corner of the shop. Crank her up and lets see some chips!;)


Travis Stinson
03-29-2007, 11:07 PM
Man, I've been slipping lately with welcoming all these wonderful new members of the Band of Mustard Brotherhood! :D
Ahhhhh, a thing of beauty. :cool:


John Chandler
03-29-2007, 11:10 PM
Congratulations on your new lathe.

Chris Barton
03-29-2007, 11:33 PM
welcome to the Golden Brotherhood Pete. You will really enojy you lathe. It will be a big difference from the Record...

Mike Turkley
03-30-2007, 6:46 AM
Congratulations on your new Mustard Monster! You're going to love it!

I put mine up close to the shop wall like you did and later moved it futher away to make room for reverse turning which I do once in a while.

Travis Stinson:
I was wondering when you were going to post the mustard picture again. Good show! Now where's Mark Pruitt? :D


Adam Howard
03-30-2007, 7:26 AM

I've had mine less than a week and already love it!

Very nice setup.

Frank Kobilsek
03-30-2007, 8:58 AM
Coveting ... Coveting ... Coveting ...

Firetrucks, I have been involved in Republican politics here in Illinois (former hobby now replaced by the Abyss, actually turning is cheaper than politics) which gave me the opportunity to get to know the former Speaker of the House Denny Hastert. Denny collects firetrucks. He uses them in parades for campaigns. He works on them. Drives them around in his free time. Always seemed like an odd hobby for anyone none the less a congressman.

CP what did you 'use' your firetrucks for?


Jim Becker
03-30-2007, 9:23 AM
That really elevates the concept of a "Matchbox" collection to new levels... :D

Interesting swap out, but it certainly emphasizes how great the pull of the abyss can be!! :eek:

Congrats on the new lathe!

Mark Pruitt
03-30-2007, 3:16 PM
An excellent addition to your shop! You're gonna love that Magic Mustardizer!:D

Andy Hoyt
03-31-2007, 4:06 PM



I love old firetrucks.

What's mustard?

Rick Apt
03-31-2007, 7:18 PM
I hope you enjoy your new lathe as much as I am enjoying your old one!

Keep me in mind if you need any help moving anything thing around the shop. Thanks again and have fun with the PM 3520.

Big Rick

CPeter James
03-31-2007, 7:35 PM
Rick, did you get my email and the attachment?


Rick Apt
04-01-2007, 7:44 PM
Yes, Thank you.