View Full Version : Last 2 Christmas Orders

Matt Bridges
12-21-2003, 9:21 PM
Finished up my Christmas orders this past week. They are portraits and I'm sorry for the picture quality. I need to work on something better for taking pics of projects. The first one is a friend's parents and the second is a friend's grandparents.


Bob Lasley
12-21-2003, 10:13 PM

Those are really cool! I assume they were done on the scroll saw. How did you get from photos to pattern?


Terry Quiram
12-22-2003, 8:59 AM

Well done!! I bought the book, but never went any further. You are a couple steps ahead of me. Keep up the nice work.


Jim Becker
12-22-2003, 9:33 AM
Those are very nice, Matt...they have a sophisticated look to them, too...the subjects all really look like celebrities! Happy holidays!

Matt Bridges
12-22-2003, 7:44 PM
I really appreciate all the compliments!

Bob- yes it was done on a scrollsaw. I got from photo to pattern using Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. I use Adobe to get the detail I want, then I use Paint Shop Pro to clean it up. I could do it all in Adobe, but I'm not as good using that program as the other yet.

Jim - Celebrities? I'm glad you think they look that good, I just used common family photos :) Both will be given as Christmas gifts and I'm excited to hear from my friends what the responses were.

Terry - I used the book as a guideline, but really you have to play with the program you use and get a feel for it for yourself. The book is a great basics course :)


Chris Padilla
12-22-2003, 8:15 PM
Wow...those are neat! The upper couple doesn't look as happy as the lower couple...maybe you coulda given the upper couple a smile? :D


Matt Bridges
12-22-2003, 8:18 PM
Wow...those are neat! The upper couple doesn't look as happy as the lower couple...maybe you coulda given the upper couple a smile? :D


I suppose I could have, but I've found that for me, it's best just to use the photo or it really looks fake. Probably means I still have a lot of progress to make LOL The person that bought the picture said "obviously, you can see they don't smile much in person, but they really are happy people" LOL
