View Full Version : Dappled Things

Carter Johnson
03-27-2007, 11:35 AM
I just finished a puzzle that shows off my style of color line cutting. I tried to use as pieces every hair, face, ribbon, house gingerbread, etc. The number of pieces is about 400. The wood is 1/4" 5-ply poplar. It took a little over six hours and measures about 13 x 11".

Pictures of both the front and the back (horizontally flipped) can be seen on the following Picture Trail album. Both photos have been "sharpened" as much as possible in order that the edges of pieces stand out.


Have phun.......Carter

Steve Kohn
03-27-2007, 12:37 PM
You have a heck of a lot more patience than I do. Beautiful work.

Jim Becker
03-27-2007, 4:35 PM
Man...that would require too much hard-core thinking for me to handle!! Great work!

Carter Johnson
03-27-2007, 4:49 PM
Actually, guys, little patience and very little "thinking" are required. I seldom sit at the saw more than 20 minutes or so at a time, making 30 to 40 pieces and then finding something else to do until I come back later in the day. By the end of a week a puzzle is finished. And as for "thinking", I simply follow the color lines of the images within the picture. Pretty simple process....and quite relaxing. If I make a mistake, usually no one will ever know........I don't sell them (even though this puzzle might bring in about $450) so there's no pressure.....Jus' havin' phun.......Carter