View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
03-26-2007, 10:23 AM
Good Morning Everyone,

Finished up the OnCall duty this morning at 8AM. Wasn't too awefully bad, but oncall is never real fun anyway.

Today starts the "run to get finisihed" on the dresser/changing table. The LOML will be taking some time to help me out today to see if we can get it almost done or done with a single full day push.

Not much else to report other than the grass is growing and already needs cutting but not until I spend some time and money on the mower for a new belt and blades. It's always something I guess. :rolleyes:

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jack Hogoboom
03-26-2007, 10:27 AM
Rebuilt my bar clamp rack and screwed it SECURELY to the studs. Sucker ain't moving this time.

Also spent some time trying to clean up the shop. Air lines and new vacuum ducting is being installed this week.


Jim Becker
03-26-2007, 10:33 AM
Did the YMCA swimming run with Alesya on Saturday and then got some time in the shop working on finishing the hall table and cherry mirror. I'm pleased with the clear coating, but not at all happy with the paint on the table base...I'll comment on that more specifically in the target thread later when I have the chance. Sunday was more of the same in the shop as well as getting Nastia started on painting her birdhouse. I also cleaned out the garage bay (lawn and garden stuff as well as the tractor) as we had a few of those small, cute rodents open up a bag of safflower seed and, um...make a bigger mess than even MY kids are capable of...

And, I'm nursing my right knee. Seems I did more damage to it last weekend than I thought when pulling Professor Dr SWMBO's car out of the snow...at one point, I stepped off the tractor and something went amiss on the side of my knee. Just what I need at this point... :(

Tyler Howell
03-26-2007, 10:53 AM
Hey Dennis,
Great 3 dayer at the new place.
Had a massage at one of the resorts close bye then dinner with creeker Rick Schubert.
Working on the new master suite.
Demo and clean up:o .
Had a 4.5 hour drive home turn into 6 with pea soup fog:mad: .
Kinda takes the glow off a great weekend.

Dan Gill
03-26-2007, 10:55 AM
Amid all the hustle and bustle, I cleaned up my shop/garage and actually spent some time milling some recycled ash and beginning a speaker's stand from it. I made a stand for our class at church a couple of years ago from a broken picnic table thrown out by Target. That turned out to be yellowheart (although stained a dark brown--go figure). We have two teachers now, so I am making a second stand.

By the way, recycled ash is the stuff I pull from the dumpsters at a couple of cabinet shops near me. :) One of them in particular must make a lot of ash cabinets. They sure throw a lot of it away.

Eugene A. Manzo III
03-26-2007, 10:57 AM
We had the Grandson for the Weekend (Always Nice). He and I went out to the Little rented Space and I realized what needs to happen.
1. My wifes Ryobi 9.6 volt Drill (New) fits in my Grandsons hand much better than anything I have:cool: So we will have to have Grandson ask Mamma if he can have it.
2. I have bought to many tools over the winter and Little Rented Space needs a makeover, and I need to STOP purchasing Tools.
3. We had Training on the forward/reverse button on the drill this weekend.
4. We need to build workbenches for both of us in the little rented shop.
5. I sprayed cast iron surfaces with some stuff that somehow turned into like honey over the winter (What a mess but no rust).

Ken Fitzgerald
03-26-2007, 11:03 AM
Had to decide whether to sand blast or wash the pickup Saturday. Washed , filled the tanks and parked it. Bought new tires for the LOML's Accord. Was supposed to take the p/u and get some wood but the vertigo thing struck again. Sunday, played the vertigo game for a while, visited with Creeker Mike Brooks and his lovely wife Kathy. Brought home a van load of maple burl and roughed out another small maple burl bowl. It's snorkeliing in the DNA now.

Rob Wright
03-26-2007, 11:35 AM
Well, this was my second full weekend of work on my sister's kitchen. She was able to grout the tile that we installed two weeks ago, so it was time to get her cabinets up!

We assembeled the Ikea cabinets, painted a first coat on the walls, finished the plumbing and electrical, hung the microwave. and installed the cabinets.

I was not happy that my sister went with the Ikea cabinets, but she is on a budget and will work well for her. I will say that I have a much greater appreciation for the 32mm Euro style cabinet system. Things went together very nice, square, and without too many headaches.

Soapstone counters to follow in one to three weeks depending on my schedule:rolleyes:. Now it is time for me to rest me knees again!

Stephen Clem
03-26-2007, 11:58 AM
Friday evening I finished the Choice Pine bookcase. I hated working with the pine but it matches my son's cheapo furniture from Big Lots. I used those Holbren Router bits that I got on sale - 20 bits for $20 w/ free shipping. They worked just as well (if not better) than any other bit I've used. The bookshelf looks great. I want to put a clear coat topcoat on it. You have to use pre-stain wood conditioner for staining pine, but is it necessary for using only the topcoat?

Saturday, our church held another AWANA Pinewood Derby Workshop. We had a much better turn out this time. I helped kids cut out about 7 cars. It was a lot of fun. All in all, it was a great, fun-filled, woodworking weekend!:D

Mark Pruitt
03-26-2007, 1:39 PM
3 goblets
1 top
1 cup
3 "wet" bowls
1 "dry" bowl

I don't know what has happened to me, but I like it.:cool:

Guy Germaine
03-26-2007, 2:19 PM
I built another sofa table with a Newfie inlay for a friend of mine. I actually can't believe that I started it on Saturday morning, and put the first coat of finish on it yesterday afternoon. I've never had a project to as smoothly as this one. :)

David Gunn
03-26-2007, 2:26 PM
I hate spring........................
cleaning that is. I got rid of a lot of cutoffs and cleaned my garage/shop. If a car has never been parked there, can it really be called a garage?
Also put my new router plate in that Jim hooked me up with. And I drew up plans for my wife's new pantry cabinet.

Bill Eshelman
03-26-2007, 2:29 PM
A friend and I went on a little trip to Grizzly in Muncy, PA on Saturday. We have the trip down to about 8 hours and 4,000 calories. We start by heading to Sheetz (Local mini mart) for a large coffee and a couple dogs with ketchup mustard and onions. then head about 1 1/2 hours North to the town of Muncy. Stop at "The" redlight in Muncy to go to Orlie's (little store with awesome food and micro brews) then right over to Grizzly about three minutes away. Bought a panel raising bit and a Rail and Stile set. Walked through whole store for about an hour, told the one saleman Bob about Sawmill Creek. He might be a member by now. He is a super nice and knowledgable guy, who genuinely wants to help his customers. Anyhoo, we leave there and head west through Ricketts Glen (Huge beautifull waterfalls) on the way to Wilkes Barre/Harveys lake. That is where we went to Grotto's Pizza (Large Pie, Tossed Salad, 16 wings). Then we drive through Dallas to a little place called Hillside Creamery, home of the best ice cream I have ever eaten (two scoop for me). Then It's about 2 hours home to the shop to sit around staring at the new router bits (New 3.5 hp router is in route from amazon).

Nice trip, but I think it's time to start my diet.

:) :)

Dan Mages
03-26-2007, 7:40 PM
A complete disaster.

A really bad thunderstorm blew through the area. The drain on the back patio (which is below grade) no longer drains. This left about 1 inch of water in the basement. Most of the trim and flooring had to be pulled up in a hurry to insure that it did not get destroyed. So far so good on salvaging the floor. I called a drain specialist and they blew sunshine up my ... and reccommended a water jetting to clear out the old drain tile. $650 and it is no better off than when they started the pipe is completely collapsed. They want to put in a pit and pump on my back patio.... at an expense of $2200, which seems ridiculously high for cutting a hole in concrete, dropping in a well, patching up the concrete and hooking up a pump. They are willing to apply the jetting cost to the pit work.

Time is running very short, my budget for getting the house ready for sale is nearly spent, and Ali's patience is wearing thin. April will be a very, very long month.


Don Bullock
03-26-2007, 8:16 PM
I had a fantastic weekend. Since it has nothing to do with woodworking, I won't bore you with all the details. Several of our basset hounds did well at our club's basset hound show. One of our nine month puppies was Winners Female for points toward her AKC Championship. She was also Best of Winners (that means the judge liked her better than the male Winner). Then he selected her as Best Opposite Sex to Best of Breed (which means that the judge liked her better than all the other females in the show). Since we bred her sha was also selected the Best Bred by Exhibitor basset for the show.

Yes, It actually happened. I showed her class win and our friend (co-breeder) showed her for the "points."
BTW -- This happened Saturday on my birthday!

We had some other wins too.

Shane Newlin
03-26-2007, 9:08 PM
I think it brings out the grain and heartwood colors more if you use the conditioner Stephen. JMO

Andy Haney
03-26-2007, 10:19 PM
Overall, a very good weekend. Truck cleaned out inside (I'll wash it sometime), yard work (I sometimes wish the fertilizer program was less effective), and commenced with the legs for the Mission-inspired table reconstruction.

I'm re-using burled walnut tops from a 1979 project I could/should have done much better. Milled and glued-up the 5" square x 18" tall "blanks" for the coffee table legs. These tables are to be built of cherry and walnut my Father and I harvested years ago from my Grandfather's farm. I plan to give the tables to my Daughter.


Al Willits
03-27-2007, 9:09 AM
Congrats Don, we showed one of our English Springers and I know how much fun/hard work it can be.

Great weekend, picked up three sheets of 3/4" shop grade Birch to make the last of the storage cabinets before I tackle the Kitchen, got the garage/shop cleaned out and threw a way about 3 thrash bags of old metal and motor building stuff...slowly weaning of the metal stuff...but its hard to let go...:)

Also finally got the wife's computer built and am starting on the garage one while I wait for enough nerve to plug hers in.... all in all a great weekend.


Belinda Barfield
03-27-2007, 9:17 AM
No woodworking - but fun just the same. First photo 03/17/07 - note the sweaters. Second photo 03/23/07 - 88 degrees. Third photo - my first rose of the season, which I threw in just for kicks. Spring lasted a whole week here. We will be having a cool down on Thursday - 77 degrees.

61208 61209 61210

Hope you all have a wonderful and productive week.:)

Randal Stevenson
03-27-2007, 9:53 AM
The weekend is finally here! I need to go pickup some plywood and mdf for some shop cabinets and jigs, and a couple of small projects, but gonna be fighting the weather it looks like.

Then have a bunch of running/bill paying/banking, misc, and then getting ready for my families garage sale. Going to have to put in some of the old tools that LONG ago got upgraded (hate parting with).

Mario Lucchesi
03-27-2007, 11:27 AM
Great weekend for me this weekend.

I picked up my new unisaw.


Spent the rest of the weekend cleaning and rearranging the shop. The weather was nice for a change and I am looking forward to a productive summer working on the shop.