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View Full Version : Shaving a head...

Joe Unni
03-25-2007, 10:23 AM
...with an electric razor. Anyone do it?

I currently shave my face/head with a blade, but am growing more and more tired of the nicks and cuts and would like to switch to an electric razor. I also don't wish to upgrade to the fancy 4 or 5 blade systems out there for the replacement blades will keep me in the poor house.

I've looked around and have not seen much info on how electrics perform while shaving a head bald.

I figured I check in with you all to see if any of you have any experience.


David G Baker
03-25-2007, 3:24 PM
I don't shave my head but I do use an electric razor prior to using those gold standard razor blades. So far I have put around 6 months worth of shaves on the sample that Gillett sent me in the mail. I can never get a comfortable shave from an electric razor but the only type I have used has been Norelco tripple head type.
I would shave my head but the LOML said that if I do she will get a pin curl perm. Not really sure what that is but it sounds scarey enough to make a believer out of me.
David B

Jeff Kerr
03-25-2007, 8:55 PM

I don't shave my head on a regular basis but I did do it for a while last summer as a show of support for a dear friend who lost all his hair to Chemo.

I agree that normal razors just weren't cuttin' it. I then found this little item. http://www.headblade.com

I bought mine at Walmart. They work great. Curved to fit the palm of your hand. It really makes a difference. They also have some lotion from the same company. Good stuff.

That's my buddy Michael on the left.

Mark Stutz
03-25-2007, 10:06 PM
Can't help you with the electric razor...never could get a good shave with one. You can get a better shave, even with a blade past it's prime (I don't change as often a I should) if you use oan old fashioned shaving brush and shaving soap. It will soften the beard and really improves the shave.


Russ Filtz
03-26-2007, 7:31 AM
I like the Panasonic brand electrics. Don't bother with the fancy ones with the cleaning system, I can see that getting rancid pretty quick! You will still pay close to $100 or more for a good wet/dry one though. These are the straight blade kind, not the triple circular.

Joe Unni
03-26-2007, 8:48 AM
...the LOML said that if I do she will get a pin curl perm. Not really sure what that is but it sounds scarey enough to make a believer out of me.
David B

I'd call her out and just do it. And if she makes the threat again just tell her that it might be kind of hot to have a Shirley Temple hair do :D

Jeff - Tried the head blade - cut the junk out of my head.

Mark - I used to use a brush and mug before I shaved my head and you're right, it give a great shave. I'm just past wanting to deal with the hassle.

Russ - my continued research is pointing at the Panasonic wet/dry as you describe.

Thanks for all of your input.


Anthony Anderson
03-26-2007, 8:54 AM
Joe the four and five blade units are worth the money. One four or five blade razor will outlast their cheaper two blade counter part many times over. I used to use the two blade disposable razors, until the new razors by Gillette came out, and after every shave, I looked like I went through battle. While the initial cost may be more expensive, it will equal out in the long run. Give them a shot. This weekend I noticed that Sam's Club had the five blade Gillette with the replaceable heads (IIRC five came with the kit) for around $15. No affliation with Gillette, just a happy customer. Good Luck, Bill

Kyle Kraft
03-26-2007, 3:07 PM
One more vote for the Headblade....works awesome!!!! Just let the force guide you.

Robert Mickley
03-27-2007, 10:21 PM
I hate saving my jaw let alone my head. I fo have the wife run her dog clippers with a #30 blade a 4 or 5 times a year though :D I'm just another old dog to be groomed:D

Al Willits
03-28-2007, 8:33 AM
Guy down the hall says he used to use a electric razor, but now gets a better shave with a razor, and his wife does the shaving, nice racket he's got..

I had thought of it, but at the rate its falling out, I'll just wait..:)


Per Swenson
03-28-2007, 8:58 AM
I read the title and thought...

Cool, gonna increase some horsepower and raise the compression.

I have access to a CNC milling machine.....

Just how a dirty long haired hippy thinks. :cool:


Joe Unni
03-28-2007, 7:59 PM
I read the title and thought...

Cool, gonna increase some horsepower and raise the compression.

I have access to a CNC milling machine.....

Just how a dirty long haired hippy thinks. :cool:


In my best Platters impression...

"only you..." :D :D :D

Robert McGowen
03-30-2007, 3:26 PM
I got a 5 blade Gillete razor in the mail as a promo. Best thing yet. I stopped using the Norelco electric because the Gillete was so much better. (There is zero hair under that bandana!)

Bart Leetch
03-30-2007, 8:06 PM
I read the title and thought...

Cool, gonna increase some horsepower and raise the compression.

I have access to a CNC milling machine.....

Just how a dirty long haired hippy thinks. :cool:


Remember when Hippy meant big in the hips?
Pot was something you cooked in?
Grass was something that grew in your yard that you cut?
High was somewhere up in the sky?
Bald was Yul Brenner? Ha & you though I forgot...:D