View Full Version : Louro Preto?

Eric Hartunian
03-24-2007, 8:10 PM
What do you guys know about this wood? I want to use it in a pepper mill. Is it toxic? Any reason not to use it? I got it for a good price, and started to round the cylinder, and I have never smelled anything like it. I just want to make sure there isn't anything about this that is going to taint the taste of the pepper or be toxic otherwise.

Jim King
03-24-2007, 9:34 PM
Eric: Lauro Preto is Portuguese for Black Parrot. I have used the wood for everything and never a problem. As it is not in the "Dalbergia" rosewood group I really dont think anyone would be allergic to it. Here in Peru this species and all related to it are called Moena.

The below info is from the US Dept of Ag. Tropical Lab site.

Nectandra spp.Family: Lauraceae Canelo Laurel

Other Common Names: Aguacatillo (Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica), Laurel (Colombia, Venezuela), Silverballi (Guyana), Pisi (Surinam), Canela (Brazil), Ayui-y, Laurel (Argentina). A large number of species make up this group.

Distribution: Widely distributed throughout tropical America.

The Tree: Varies with species, may reach a height of 100 ft; commonly up to 28 in. in diameter, occasionally to 40 in. Boles are straight and cylindrical, sometimes buttressed.

The Wood:
General Characteristics: Heartwood brownish yellow with a green cast, or olive to light olive brown and in some species becoming blackish brown; transition to whitish or brownish sapwood often gradual. Texture mostly medium to rather coarse; luster usually satiny or silky; grain straight to roey; odor spicy, taste mild to pronounced.

Weight: Basic specific gravity (ovendry weight/green volume) varying with species, mostly 0.43 to 0.61; air-dry density 32 to 46 pcf.

Mechanical Properties: (First set of data based on the 2-in. standard; second and third sets based on the 2-cm standard.)

Eric Hartunian
03-24-2007, 9:44 PM
Thats what I needed to know. The smell kinda threw me off. Hopefully I can make a decent pepper mill out of this!

Stan Cook
03-25-2007, 7:22 AM
I believe that it is a relative of bocote.