View Full Version : X-BOX, 1st curved inlay W/PIC

Chris DiCiaccio
12-20-2003, 4:48 PM
Hi to all and Merry Christmas,
This is a decorative box made of ambrosia maple and walnut. It's my first attempt at putting in a curved inlay. Much more practice needed. Inlay is poplar and pine, splines are ambrosia maple. It has three coats of laquer.

<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/XBOX1.JPG">
<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/XBOX2.JPG">
<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/XBOX3.JPG">
<img src="http://members.aol.com/woodwk/XBOX.JPG">

Jim Becker
12-20-2003, 7:06 PM
Now, that is very kewel! The inlay is subtle but "there". Will you describe the process you used to match up your inlay with the mortise, etc.?

Chris DiCiaccio
12-20-2003, 8:46 PM
Now, that is very kewel! The inlay is subtle but "there". Will you describe the process you used to match up your inlay with the mortise, etc.?

Thanks for the comments. As I stated, this was just a first try at a curved inlay. After cutting the mortise, I used the bandsaw to get a close fitting strip and fine tuned it with an old stanley block plane. There was an article not long ago in Fine Woodworking, they called it "stringing" in which they showed using a paper shredder. One pass made a life-time supply. Have a great night.

Kevin Gerstenecker
12-20-2003, 10:17 PM
Very nice Box Chris. As you may know, I have a certain affliction that causes me to make small, decorative boxes in bunches when the mood strikes. :D It is always a treat to see the design ideas and execution of others. Nice job all around on the box. I really like the free form inlay work you did............really sets the box off. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us! :)