View Full Version : MDF honing wheels

Harvey M. Taylor
03-22-2007, 1:09 PM
MDF honing wheels, how do you make them? How big around, what compound to use? I am in the mood to make one, so tell me!!! Max

Chris Jenkins
03-22-2007, 2:47 PM
I've never done this myself, but I thought I saw this once on an Alan Lancer DVD. I thought he used 3/4" MDF sized for his grinder (8", I'm sure 6" will work for you 6" grinders). I would imagine any metal polish will work for the compound. THere are several out there.

As to making them, depends on the tools you have. Of coarse you could make one on the lathe. Rough cut in on the bandsaw and true it up on the lathe.

Or just stay at the bandsaw if you have a circle jig.

or if you have a circle jig for a router will work too.

I've seen circle jigs for the TS, but I wouldn't do it.

Bob Opsitos
03-22-2007, 3:57 PM
I rough cut one on the bandsaw, drilled a center hole, put a longish bolt through the hole and nut from other side and cinch down tight. Use some kind of chuck (2MT drill chuck is what I used) to clamp down the on the extened bolt, put chuck on lathe, turn to round. Since I use mine on the drill press I mount it there and fine tune the "trueness".

Tough to get it to charge on the MDF, but workable, so I would recommend gluing some leather to the rim.


Brian Myers
03-22-2007, 5:38 PM
I cut mine out on the bandsaw. Drilled a hole in it to put it on the screw for my chuck and trued it up. Redrilled hole to fit an arbor attached to an old motor. You shape any way you need . For a basic one with a flat profile, just score it with a razor across the profile repeating around the outside. Charge up with green buffing compound (chromium oxide) for stainless steel. Easy to make , cheap , and does the job.