View Full Version : New Tablesaw came today

Ed Hyatt
03-21-2007, 10:28 PM
Just received my new Steel City 35670 today. Well most of it anyway, the fence did not make it. It seems that Steel City is waiting on a shipment of fences which I have been told may come in this week.
I have everything together except the fence and will get that soon.
I know no pictures, I can asure you they will be coming soon.


Mike Heidrick
03-21-2007, 11:01 PM
Congratulations!! I look foreward to seeing the pictures. Did the install Go OK?


Don Bullock
03-21-2007, 11:10 PM
Ed, congratulations on your new saw. I was impressed with the Steel City machines when I went to a wwing show recently. Let us know how you like it after you've worked with it for a while.

Randall Davis
03-24-2007, 1:33 AM
congrats on a nice saw

Eric Wong
03-24-2007, 2:01 PM
No pics, didn't happen :D

Ed Hyatt
03-29-2007, 11:15 PM
Well the fence finally arrived and it is all together and working very good, I must say I am very pleased. Coming from a contractors saw to this is a big difference.
I could not beleive it last night, I put a nickel on the table started the saw up and it stayed there, the wind from the blade turned the nickel.
Totally impressed, tuning up the saw was much easier than I thought, actually it could of been used straight out of the box, I just had to make it a little better. I have attached some photos along with another new addition that I received yesterday.

Paul Douglass
03-29-2007, 11:25 PM
Congrats, Ed. I know you will be pleased. How do those saw come, i.e., how many boxex, what do you have to assemble...

Kelly C. Hanna
03-30-2007, 12:04 AM
Beautiful saw!!

Ed Hyatt
03-30-2007, 12:42 AM
Paul, the saw is ship in a complete metal frame with a cardboard box around the frame. Inside the shipping crate is the saw, wing extensions, table board, hand wheels etc. The fence, 30" Industrial, was shipped in three boxes.
I have attached the only pictures that I have of the crate and what the saw looked like, right out of the crate. Putting it together, well you have to attached the extension wings, hand wheels and fence. Aling everything up, install the saw blade and you are ready to cut some wood.
Now the festool saw was a different story, there was really nothing to put together. I bought the festool saw for cutting sheet goods and the tablesaw for everything else. I just made my first cut today the the festool saw, TS-55, it was the best cut I had ever seen, compared to the factor edge, it was a lot smoother and no chips. I was a little worried about this purchase but it looks like a very good saw. I have some hardwood flooring to put down this weekend and I plan to use the festool for that, I will post latter how that works. What I like about this setup is that I also bought the CT-22 vaccum to go with it. You plug the saw into the vaccum and the vaccum get plugged into an outlet, now when you cut the saw on the vaccum comes on and off with the saw, very little to no saw dust.

Anthony Anderson
03-30-2007, 12:56 AM
Congratulations Ed. Very nice saw, and glad you like it. Looks like setup was a breeze. Wish I could say the same for me. Going on the third week and still haven't got to try out my new saw. Also had a missing fence, lost in shipping or never sent. Took a week to get that (including weekend), and now am dealing with elevation gear issues. Hopefully next week. I am glad that you are up and running. It takes a lot of fun and enjoyment out of a new saw when you have to deal with problems. Enjoy the new saws. Regards, Bill

Ken Milhinch
03-30-2007, 2:01 AM
Congratulations Ed, that is a very nice piece of equipment. I must say I am very impressed with the way it was packed too.

Mario Lucchesi
03-30-2007, 7:42 AM
Congradulations, that is a great looking Saw. Let us know how it performs as many others are looking at them also.

Don Bullock
03-30-2007, 8:02 AM
Ed, I'm glad that you fence has arrived and your saw is now ready to make sawdust. Again congratulations!

Congratulations on the Festool saw and vac. That's a super tool from what I read on the forums. I'm looking forward to your input. I can tell that I'll need one of those in the future.

David Weaver
03-30-2007, 8:38 AM
I'm starting to question having ordered a hybrid saw. That saw looks top notch, and it wouldn't have been much more.

Do any of the steel city distributors deliver with companies that offer lift-gate service?

Paul Douglass
03-30-2007, 9:07 AM
I'm starting to question having ordered a hybrid saw. That saw looks top notch, and it wouldn't have been much more.

Do any of the steel city distributors deliver with companies that offer lift-gate service?
David, this is not the same model Ed got but close. These pictures are what helped me decide, I pick up mine this weekend! (woodnet.net)

Dan Lee
03-30-2007, 10:50 AM
Nice saw enjoy. That steel frame is pretty impressive crating on SC's part.

Cliff Rohrabacher
03-30-2007, 1:10 PM
the fence did not make it.

Congrats. What do you needa fence for?? Toss some 3/4 ply on it and free rip it. We don't need no stinkin fences.

Actually I am somewhat surprised they did shipped it like that. If someone was so foolish as to try to work sans fence Steel City might end up liable for some harms.

Kyle Kraft
03-30-2007, 2:56 PM
I'd like to order a saw like that just for the crate!

Charles Jackson III
03-30-2007, 6:26 PM
Nice saw, Ed!

Mark Engel
03-30-2007, 6:40 PM
I'd like to order a saw like that just for the crate!
But, you would go ahead and use the saw, right?

Mike Heidrick
03-30-2007, 6:56 PM
Do any of the steel city distributors deliver with companies that offer lift-gate service?

Utterguys does for an additional fee. You can see their store and prices on ebay.

glenn bradley
03-30-2007, 7:43 PM
My 22124 came in a similar cage. I was quite impressed and it arrived without a scratch (on the inside).

Richard Link
03-30-2007, 10:34 PM
Nice to hear there is another satisfied customer from Steel City. I recently bought their 17" drill press and have been extremely happy with the solid, no frills, quality.

I was at a woodworking show earlier today and got a look at that titanium topped table saw that they sell. The top was a bright yellow/gold which was a little dissapointing (and wierd) but it was interesting. The saw itself looked very nice, but why the titanium top? It would seem that light weight isn't an advantage in a saw. Is it primarily for rust prevention? Is it smoother? Just a gimmick? That seems somewhat out of line for Steel City..... Opinions on it?
