View Full Version : Custom Table reproduction..Need help

Daniel Doe
03-21-2007, 5:59 PM
Hi, first post here and pardon me if this is not the right place to post...
I'm new to woodwroking and European reproduction (17th century) is my interest. This is my third project and would like to know your thoughts...All parts came from one solid wood and no lamianation during the process. Everything is done by hand and you will notice some imperfections on the joints.


1. When I got the wood slab it has cracks but not bad. I am worried that it will keep cracking over time. What will I do to reduce the chance of continued splitting?
2. To custom furniture makers out there, I need your opinion regarding value for one of a kind item like this one.

3. I am using Linseed oil for the finishing...Did I make the right choice? Any suggestions?


Daniel & Gabrielle

Daniel Doe
03-24-2007, 8:39 PM
Photos of the table that I was working.

Craig Walls
03-24-2007, 11:34 PM
Wow, that's way cool. Did you turn the legs as well? This is an era that we don't see many repros from. As far as the linseed oil goes, here are my thoughts: it's a beautiful finish but not incredibly durable, especially if it would get much use (the top). Liquids would probably mark it up, too. Unless you're insistent on keeping that lovely "velvet" texture you get from oil, you could let it cure for a week or two and then cover it with a satin poly or laquer.

It is unique and beautiful, though. Nice work. I'm a beginner as well.;)

Joe Chritz
03-25-2007, 1:17 AM
I have seen lots of natural edge furniture that uses butterfly inlays to fix and/or cover cracks. Haven't done it but I guess it works well.

Daniel hit it with the finish answer. If it will see any use put on something more duable. A rubbed out lacquer finish would look great as would a french polish.
