View Full Version : Cabinet Hinges

Chris Singletary
03-21-2007, 10:46 AM
Does anyone know of a guide for selecting cabinet hinges for face frame cabinets?

terry hansen
03-21-2007, 11:03 AM
I'm in the process of building kitchen cabinets and selecting hinges is also on my list. I haven't found any "guide" as it seems to be a matter of personal choice for style and usage among the multitude of choices out there. I've had some success searching FWW archives for articles providing usage criteria and installation advice. Probably, the most "fun" has been getting the LOML to look at catalogs of cabinet hinges for a preference. I believe it's only slightly more exciting to her than watching paint dry. FWIW I'm going down the euro-hinge, Blum compact face frame mount path for installation ease and adjustability. Good luck and I'll keep an eye on this thread.

Dave Falkenstein
03-21-2007, 11:06 AM
Lots of technical information here:


These folks are also very helpful on the telephone.

glenn bradley
03-21-2007, 11:06 AM
The Blum site has a lot of good info and a 'help' feature where you can ask specific questions. If the answer applies to a 'style' of hinge you wouldn't necessarily have to buy the Blum version although they are good hardware.

Dennis Putnam
03-21-2007, 12:36 PM
Let me join the hinge selection crowd here. My question concerns the width of the stiles. The online specs for the hinges talk about the bore depth but I don't see anything about the diameter, base plate width and in particular the minimum stile width. How do I decide what width to use on my stiles? I am planning 2" since I want to maximize the panel for glass in one case and speaker cloth in the other but the hinge has to be a determining factor as well. Thanks.

Steve Milito
03-21-2007, 1:03 PM
I'm also confused.
Let's say I have a 2' x 3' opening with a 2" face frame. I want "full overlay". So if I pick a 1 3/4" overlay Euro hinge, then the door should measure 27 1/2" x 39 1/2" and I get a 1/4" reveal?
Do I have that right?

Al Willits
03-21-2007, 1:08 PM
Maybe some of the info on the post might help?
Some good websites and such.



Joe Chritz
03-21-2007, 1:28 PM
The overlay will be the amount of the door that covers the face frame. Most models have a little adjustment built into them.

An opening 12" wide with 2" stiles would need a door 16" wide to have a full overlay. I dount there are hinges with that much overlay but you get the idea.

I haven't ever used a euro hinge that didn't use a 1/2" overlay because that is just what I designed in. Plus I bought a few hundred last time I ordered some. ;)

The Blum site has some great drawings showing how the hinges interact with the frames and walls. Definately worth the time to page through the info on the hinge you are thinking about using.


Chris Singletary
03-21-2007, 4:00 PM
Thanks for the reply's everyone I will look at the Blum site, I just wasn't sure where to get started.