View Full Version : Creekers Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
03-19-2007, 11:03 AM
Good Morning Everyone,

I hope that this finds everyone doing well and hopefully those in the most northern states are experiencing a little more enjoyable weather. Things area blooming here to include all those with spring allergies. :rolleyes:

The dresser project is is still being worked, but is nearing the end. The day job has put a damper on most progess to be had in the shop lately. I am OnCall this week and already know that I have to work all night tonight and it looks like it's going to be "one of those weeks". :(

It was church, bass playing, and family time on Sunday. We all sat and watched some of the Lord of the Rings. Pretty awesome movie.:cool:

Today is getting some shop time in before I start working the day job stuff at 17:00 hours today.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Ken Fitzgerald
03-19-2007, 11:08 AM
Saturday...finished turning the knobs I've been struggling with....Sunday, I worked with my new toy......I'll have a new project to post shortly.

Matt Meiser
03-19-2007, 11:11 AM
Friday evening I sprayed some primer on an old oil pump I've had for about 5 years now and just got around to restoring. Then Saturday morning we drove to Ft. Wayne, Indiana for an antique tractor show. We spent Saturday night down there for a mini-vacation and came home Sunday afternoon. I never even set foot in the shop.

Tonight will be different as LOML is having a Pampered Chef party. I'll hide out there all evening :)

Dan Gill
03-19-2007, 11:32 AM
I didn't get a lot of shop time. I did make a prototype template for a Texas box I want to make for a friend, and milled some oak for a holder for one of my son's autographed baskeball. Oh, and I dropped a hunk of 6/4 poplar on my head while getting it down off the top of my lumber rack. The poplar's okay, just a small dent.:)

Ted Miller
03-19-2007, 11:40 AM
Dennis, Allergies are now my middle name, they just started this year, man they are a drag, first I thought I was having adverse reactions to saw dust. Glad its just pollen and such or I would have to harry carry.

This weekend I must admit I accomplished all my shop related items:

Boxed in my compressor under my RAS bench
Rewired my Jointer with #10 SO cord
Made the fence for my RAS/SCMS station with Kreg stops and rails
Added another 220 outlet for my RAS
Made the LOML a paper towel holder for the kitchen or "I will be holding that towel roll for the rest of my life"...

Pete Brown
03-19-2007, 11:40 AM
No shop time for me this weekend. I did get to the Chantilly, VA woodworking show on Friday afternoon and picked up a Jet spindle sander. It's still in a box sitting right next to me, though.

I fixed a fridge water supply line that cracked when something fell off the top of the fridge (http://www.whirlpool.com/catalog/product.jsp?src=REFRIGERATORS&cat=96&prod=537) during our renovation. That took forever, as I had to remove the filter mount, the main set of distribution valves and a number of other bits. Of course, it didn't help that it took me all day to figure out how to release the supply tubes with those funky connectors they used. :)

I wanted to replace it with braided line, but I wouldn't be able to do that without putting together a special union on the plastic line.

Oh, and there was that holiday too ;)

Mario Lucchesi
03-19-2007, 11:49 AM
Friday Night we went to see my son play his first professional gig as a bassist. He was hired to play in the musical footloose, saturday I cleans the main part of the shop as it is getting warm enough to work out there. I moved more stuff from the shop office out to the floor. Sunday night a smashed one of my fingers really good. the first knuckle of my right ring finger is nearly twice the size it should be, I am going to get it looked at today.

Jim Becker
03-19-2007, 11:55 AM
Cleared ice and snow, both on Saturday (enough to get the AWD vehicle in and out the driveway) as well as several neighbors. Did some more on Sunday to insure that Professor Dr SWMBO could get her car out this morning. Did a field trip to check out a prospective summer camp for the younger. The rest of the weekend was spent...in the shop. :D

I completed a "little" shop/machinery project that will be detailed in its own thread as soon as I can slog through a lot of pictures and write some text (hint: several Bench Dog products were involved ;) ) and got back to the finishing steps on the hall table and cherry mirror projects that have been sitting around for a few weeks due to time and temperature issues.

Oh...managed to bugger my right knee a little pulling Alison's Prius out with the tractor...stepped off the machine to relocate the tow strap and apparently landed funny. This too will pass, but "it hurts".... :(

Al Willits
03-19-2007, 11:57 AM
Saturday I cleaned the garage and went and picked up a new/used Combination square, took the wife out to eat and cleaned a bit more after that, I now have a corner of my garage I can actually see the floor at.

Sunday me and Murphy installed the Wixley DRO on my 15" York planer, took prob 3-4 hours to get it on, but it works good now.

I did take pictures that are pretty much step by step if anybody thinking of mounting one of the DRO's on a York, they might help speed up the process.
If anybodies interested I'll post them...?

Al...who's sitting at his desk thinking a 26 weekend at age 59 maybe wasn't such a good idea...thank goodness for Ibropofen....:)

Tyler Howell
03-19-2007, 12:06 PM
Quiet weekend,
Had the family over for one of my culinary experiments:rolleyes: . Turned out pretty good.
Treated myself to a massage and pedicure. Walking on air today

Worked on my home punch list, cleaned the garage and sorted through some of my worldly treasures (old phones, radios, and remotes) most to be tossed or the wires recycled.:o
Have a safe week.

Zahid Naqvi
03-19-2007, 12:12 PM
It was a fruitful weekend for me. Took posession of the jointer Todd Yates had offered :D I also got to visit his place of employment. Let's just say it has a lot of high-end toys, a must see if you have not visited yet.

I guess the next few days are going to be spent on cleaning and restoring the jointer. I already got the table top and fence cleaned up last night. Next is cleaning the painted parts, followed by a plywood enclosure for chip collection. The blades need sharpening too.

03-19-2007, 12:58 PM
Still cranking on the basement finish project. Put the final coat of paint on the main living room area. Just a little more trim in there and all I'll have left is the bathroom. Then, into the shop to do some built-ins (the fun part).

Last weekend I picked up an old Miata so I can get back on the racetrack. Spent a little time fooling with some minor stuff needed to get it through MD inspection and other minor annoyances. Once the basement is done it will get prepped for some track time. I hope to do a few track days this summer/fall at VIR and Summit Point. It means no new planer, but ... :cool: .

Mike Cutler
03-19-2007, 1:07 PM
Spent Saturday shoveling slush, wish it was snow. I'm glad I did it, 'cause sunday it was 18deg outside in the morning.
Getting over a nasty bout of flu at the same time.
Spring is right around the corner though.

Jim O'Dell
03-19-2007, 1:10 PM
Well, I took 3 days off vacation to make a very long weekend! Spent the first 3 days stripping and re-roofing a valley on the shop to HOPEFULLY stop a leak. I feel confident that I was successful. We are supposed to get 4 days of rain this week, or at least chances of rain. I should be able to report next weekend if I was indeed successful or not.
Sat and Sunday I was pretty lazy with a 4 hour trip to do part of a transport for 2 English Setter girls on their way to San Antonio rescue Sat am, then finished the ceiling and walls in the leaky corner of the shop the rest of the weekend. It's ready to prime and paint now! Then it will be on to the trim (Ugh!)
2 more days of vacation scheduled next month. Hopefully I'll be able to paint and trim then. Jim.

Mark Pruitt
03-19-2007, 2:10 PM
Saturday I placed an order for a Termite and a few other toys...uh...tools.:D Only a woodturner gets excited when you say "Termite.";)

Then I got busy spinning some spalted maple. I had a beautiful piece that I was turning a NE from, and broke the tenon.:mad: Remounted, turned another tenon, chucked it and broke it too.:mad: :mad: Then did the same thing again.:mad: :mad: :mad: Finally, in a last-ditch effort I recut another tenon, turned the RPM up as high as I could get it w/o the lathe shaking, and successfully hollowed it.:cool:

Between the rest of Saturday and yesterday I turned four more maple bowls. I wised up to the breaking tenon problem, by slowing the RPM to 50 and slowly applying CA glue to the tenon until it was soaked in it, then let it continue to turn @ 50 until the CA dried. Sure wish I had thought of that with that dang NE. The thing would have been about an inch taller.

Chip Olson
03-19-2007, 2:21 PM
Shoveled Saturday morning. Fortunately we got everything cleared before it froze up. That evening we went to a house concert at a friend's, er, house, with a brilliant folk harpist with a lovely voice. Benjamin (2) provided the opening entertainment by falling down the stairs; probably took 5 years off my life but he was fine. He held onto his cookie the whole way down; good to see he has his priorities in order.

Didn't get as much shop time as I'd have liked (imagine that!). Had previously determined that the method I was using for locating the height-adjustable pullouts was ugly and clumsy, and came up with something at least somewhat less so. This involved taking precisely spaced notches out of narrow strips of plywood, which I did using a modified box-joint setup with the dado blade. Got enough done to provide proof of concept; with any luck I'll finally have these verdamnt drawers and pullouts hung by the end of next weekend.

Rob Wright
03-19-2007, 2:53 PM
Went to my sister's house on friday night for the weekend and ripped out her kitchen. My father and I managed to get it all out, a few minor plumbing changes, a new hardi backer subfloor over the old ply and 1x12 fir, and lay some 12-in tile on the floor by late sunday afternoon (300 sf). I am whipped today. Two things I can say made it go faster (even though it was a loooong weekend) :

1) I bought a Senco Duraspin to attach the Hardi-backer and it is a life saver - almost 3000 screws placed by saturday night
2) Hardibacker is much easier to work with than cement board (mush easier to cut, cleaner, and a heck of a lot lighter!)

New cabinets this coming weekend and new soapstone counters the week after.:D

Pete Brown
03-19-2007, 3:34 PM
Went to my sister's house on friday night for the weekend and ripped out her kitchen. My father and I managed to get it all out, a few minor plumbing changes, a new hardi backer subfloor over the old ply and 1x12 fir, and lay some 12-in tile on the floor by late sunday afternoon (300 sf). I am whipped today. Two things I can say made it go faster (even though it was a loooong weekend) :

Hey Rob, I can see a crack in the kitchen, right there in the middle of the floor ;)


Rob Wright
03-19-2007, 4:05 PM
Pete, at that praticular time I was performing some plumbing, therefore it was plumber's crack that you were witnessing. I did not include the photo from about 6:30 last night (when I was dead tired from being on my knees for two days) while performing carpentry work where you could have seen my carpenter's crack!:D - Rob

PS - I will try to photoshop any more of those out prior to posting with the blurry cloud.

Jack Ganssle
03-19-2007, 4:33 PM
I didn't get much shop time. LOML and I were dealing with aging parents' medical issues, and doing some long-distance "customer support" for the middle kid who is off at college. Then some driving instruction for the youngest.

When I finally got to the shop yesterday and fired up the router in its table, the whole tool fell apart in a million pieces! It was an old Craftsman that was never much good so I'm sort of happy that it's time to order a decent unit. Can't order it now as we're off to Denmark Wednesday for a little work and lots of fun, and I don't want it to arrive while we're gone.


Dan Lyke
03-19-2007, 4:47 PM
Almost finished some removable stair rails (http://www.flutterby.net/Removable_Stair_Rail). Still need to veneer the edges of the mounting plates, but a quick twist to release the retainer knobs and the rails lift off, leaving only hardware flush to the wall and giving us a few extra precious inches in a narrow stairway. And installed they easily withstand the "200lbs in any direction" required by California code.

Someday I'll see if I can bring the stairs up to code, but at least the handrail conforms. :)

Pete Brown
03-19-2007, 4:55 PM
Pete, at that praticular time I was performing some plumbing, therefore it was plumber's crack that you were witnessing. I did not include the photo from about 6:30 last night (when I was dead tired from being on my knees for two days) while performing carpentry work where you could have seen my carpenter's crack!:D - Rob

PS - I will try to photoshop any more of those out prior to posting with the blurry cloud.

LOL! Of course, then we may wonder about the cloud ;)

I bet that kitchen will look great. It's really something when you start getting some finished walls, cabinets and trim in there.


Bert Johansen
03-19-2007, 6:08 PM
Rob, that was grueling in just two days! Been there, done that! Nice job on the tile work.
I'm recovering from a bout with the flu, so haven't had any shop time in over a week. Until Saturday, that is. Awoke at 4am and was in the shop in five minutes. Cleaned the place before breakfast. Then began repairing four chairs that badly needed re-gluing. Two down, two to go. Then finally got my new PC 7518 in my router table. Installed the Rousseau router plate and fired up the beast. Impressive, and badly needed.

Nancy Laird
03-19-2007, 8:45 PM
Finally, finally, FINALLY finished the cabinets in guest room, completely! Just needed glass and handles and they are DONE! Pictures will follow if the darned cable for my camera will ever start working again--or do I need a new one?? :( :mad:


Andy Haney
03-19-2007, 9:40 PM
Torsion box built. Decided to build a reliable 3' x 5' assembly surface for sawhorses that can be stored out of the way in wife's garage (uh, shop). Used 1/2" MDF for both surfaces and 2-in. tall "ribs". Perimeter ribs/frame were milled from ash I've had around for some time. Project stores in a 3-in. deep space against the wall and will probably be servicable, but it sure is heavier than I had hoped for.


Rod Sheridan
03-20-2007, 8:26 AM
I spent three days helping my brother install an Oneida cyclone and ductwork at his new house.

Boy, is it ever nice to have a basement with 10 foot high ceilings, wish my basement was like that!

The only shop time I had was last night i turned a cherry handle for a parting tool.......Rod.

Dennis Peacock
03-20-2007, 8:30 AM
Boy, is it ever nice to have a basement with 10 foot high ceilings, wish my basement was like that!

Hey Rod.....You could always "lower the floor" about 2 feet to help raise the ceiling. :rolleyes: :p :D

Kelly C. Hanna
03-20-2007, 11:02 AM
I got a ton of things done and even had time for a cookout on Sunday to break in the new smoker [got two big ones now].

Anyway, I moved the inside stairwell to the 'attic' of my shop outside....here's how it changed things....


I am a very happy man right now...the shop is bigger and the DC/compressor are both upstairs!

PS...this brings the total deck square footage to over 850!

Rod Sheridan
03-20-2007, 11:22 AM
Thanks Dennis, I'll look into that.........Rod.

Jim Becker
03-20-2007, 11:28 AM
Wow, Kelly...big space improvement!!! (And nice you took care of the kitties, too...)

Al Willits
03-20-2007, 11:29 AM
Torsion box built. Decided to build a reliable 3' x 5' assembly surface for sawhorses that can be stored out of the way in wife's garage (uh, shop). Used 1/2" MDF for both surfaces and 2-in. tall "ribs". Perimeter ribs/frame were milled from ash I've had around for some time. Project stores in a 3-in. deep space against the wall and will probably be servicable, but it sure is heavier than I had hoped for.


Andy was the 1/2" strong enough to prevent flex?
I have a 4x5' version in 3/4" and need two men or Beasty to move it, I'd like to make a lighter one.

Al...who's getting embarrassed when beasty moves his table for him...:D

Andy Haney
03-20-2007, 9:31 PM

I just came in from "trimming" the edge boards with bearing bits. I checked the box for flatness with a metal straight edge, and I'm very happy with the results. I tried to flex it with some force, and it didn't move. I suspect I could flex it if I really tried, but don't expect to put that kind of load on it and the lightweight sawhorses. I think it will be fine for assembling small furniture projects. I did put two "gate-type" handles (like a large window sash handle) on one of the long sides so I could throw it around myself.
