View Full Version : Chris McKimson and Derek Arita

Ken Salisbury
02-28-2003, 10:04 AM
<p align="center">
<IMG src="http://www.klsal.com/mickeybday.gif">

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<IMG src="http://www.klsal.com/banner3.gif">

Chris McKimson
02-28-2003, 11:38 AM
Thanks Ken,

Appriciate the thought. Now lets see if my wife remembers. Last year she forgot (and I thought forgeting birthdays etc, was my job). :)


Bob Lasley
02-28-2003, 11:41 AM
Hope you both have a good one.


Write that forgotten birthday in stone. You will need it as ammunition some day because wives never, ever forget when we mere men forget an important date. :D


Derek Arita
02-28-2003, 9:18 PM
Thanks so much for remembering. I am officially an Old Bugger now. I won't say how old, but I'm gathering tools for my old age...retirement bucks will be a lot smaller. Thanks again, Ken!