View Full Version : Introduction.

jason harris
03-17-2007, 11:57 PM
Hello all, it seems I joined about a year ago when I had specific question and was never to be heard from again.

I now have son who has just turned one a few weeks ago and I have started to make toys :) My main interest has been with my lathe and mill but I think I have sparked an interest again with wood. What I have made to date looks ok but is usually pretty simple to build. I have put together a 16" telescope, some speakers (pic below) and other odds and ends. diy around the home etc.

Right now I am just doing a simple rocking horse and building a new router table thanks to threads I have recently read here.

I just bout an incra 25" LS positioner super so I thought I would do a top and then use it to make the rest of the cabinet. Havent thought about what I will do to finish it.

I wish I had more space for the wood projects to come as they usually end up on the dining room table :(. I have tried not to go under the house where my tablesaw is because its 1) untidy (my fault) 2) dark, must add lighting and 3) no space with my tablesaw there. Its about 4x4.5m or 13x 14.5 feet. I use my sander outside and the bandsay inside my metal room because its too tall to roll out the door to use outside.

I also like building things to help me build other things :) I am going to have fun looking at the jigs on the market and making them on my metal gear . I attached some pictures below I currently have the router table I just glued sitting on the tablesaw. I screwed the middle and clamped around the edges.

Oh yes, I am from New Zealand and my metal room is never that clean, just moved the stuff in when those pics were taken :D

Oh, and one more thing, I should post another topic but if anyone has thoughts re the trition 3 1/2hp router or the hitachi mv12 please state them.







Mike Langford
03-18-2007, 12:15 AM
Welcome back Jason. Your "simple to build" projects look fantastic!

Those are some serious lookin' metal machines :eek:

jason harris
03-18-2007, 12:33 AM
Thanks Mike, a lot of them are simple because I have only needed to do butt joints etc. I haven't done a dovetail in my life but hope I can on the new incra system.

I would livo to do something decorative like a grandfather clock. My be running before walking with that one thoug :)
