View Full Version : In Florida I ain't...

Bill Grumbine
03-17-2007, 6:22 PM
Greetings all

I just got home a little while ago. I should have been getting home a week from Monday, but as some of you might know, we had a weather event here in the northeast.

I got to the airport way early so as to take care of any potential problems with the TSA. As recently as the day before I had been advised by the airline personnel that I might not be allowed to take my turning tools with me in any way, so I thought it might be prudent to arrive in time to discuss the matter. Anyway, I spent my time from 7:00 AM until 10:00 AM either standing in line or waiting on my plane. The plane was supposed to leave at 9:32 AM, but it was running late. What a surprise. At 10:00 we were allowed to board, and immediately taxied out in preparation for takeoff. The weather got worse.

After sitting on the runway for 2 1/2 hours, we taxied back to the terminal to get back off the plane. The pilot informed us that all flights had been cancelled. There were some very angry people on board, including the guy sitting next to me, who commenced to abuse his laptop and say bad words. What was really frustrating was that if the plane had been on schedule, we would have made it out ahead of the weather. Of course, I might have been scattered all over the countryside too. One never knows...

I stood in another line from about 12:30 PM until 3:30 PM to discuss alternate arrangements with the airline people. Many cell phone calls were made between myself and the representatives of the two clubs I was planning on seeing in FL. To make a long story a little shorter, we were able to reschedule my missed demo and class for two weeks from now, and keep next week the same - assuming of course, no more snow falls.

I caught the last train out of the airport, arriving at the platform five minutes before it did. It looked like it was full of refugees. The regular city commuters were none too happy to see "their" train already filled when they attempted to board. Fortunately for me, my in-laws lived at the end of the line, and I was able to arrange transportation to their home. So unlike many others, I did not sleep at the airport or in some flophouse for $200/night. SWMBO was snowed in and could not reach me until this afternoon. But I am home now, and trying to look at it all from a philosophical point of view. This stuff never happens when I drive.


Bill Wyko
03-17-2007, 6:45 PM
I had an experience similar to that flying from Houston to dallas then to tucson. In total from gate to gate my filght was almost 11 hours. I've driven it in 13 hours.(my right leg is a little longer than my left due to a bad car accident so I have a tendancy to speed. Thats my story and i'm stickin to it.):D It might also be the 600hp diesel under the hood too.:eek: :D

Chris Barton
03-17-2007, 7:17 PM
Hi Bill,

Sadly, I travel a lot and I completely understand. I think this qualifies as an act of God... Maybe there's a reason... You'er at home, safe and with your family. Celebrate!

Karl Laustrup
03-17-2007, 7:51 PM
All things happen for a reason Bill.

Two weeks from now Spring Break will be even bigger in sunny Fla. than now. :) :D


Steve Schlumpf
03-17-2007, 8:17 PM
I'm sure there are a lot of disappointed turners in Florida right now but at least you are home safe and can have the adventure again in a couple of weeks.

Jack Norfleet
03-17-2007, 9:39 PM

Might I ask what clubs you plan to visit? I attended my first Central Florida Woodturners club meeting and was considering joining. If you are going to be near Orlando, I will definitely try to attend your demo.


Jim Becker
03-17-2007, 10:01 PM
Bummer, Bill...as you know, I fly a lot, and the delays that are constantly altering the schedule drive me nuts sometimes. My last trip, both the flight out and the flight back were two hours late.

But I'm glad you were able to reschedule things at the other end!

Bill Grumbine
03-18-2007, 9:33 PM
Hi guys

I had no idea there were so many Calvinists here! :eek: ;) I am somewhat Calvinistic in my outlook on things, so I try to look at everything that happens to me as part of a plan.

Jack, I will be demonstrating for the Fl West Coast Turners in Largo, or Clearwater, or somewhere around there. How far is that for you?

Since I was not able to be on the beach this weekend, here is a picture of how I spent the day after church was over. We invited the youth group from church over, along with any adults who wanted to come too. We have a pretty decent hill for sledding and snowboarding. When we first moved in, my daughters tried to talk me into converting my diesel tractor into a rope to for them so they did not have to walk back up the hill.


It was a lot of fun, but it was COLD! That is my truck on the left, and if you look hard in the background, you can see bits of my log pile.


Art Mulder
03-18-2007, 10:15 PM
I had no idea there were so many Calvinists here! :eek: ;) I am somewhat Calvinistic in my outlook on things, so I try to look at everything that happens to me as part of a plan.
When we first moved in, my daughters tried to talk me into converting my diesel tractor into a rope tow for them so they did not have to walk back up the hill.

Calvinists? We're everywhere. Just start turning over rocks... :p

As for the rope tow... The camp that my families goes to each summer has an old no-longer-functioning tow rope on a back hill that had been MacGyvered by a long-ago handyman out of a VW engine. One of those things that would likely never pass a safety inspection today. But I wish I'd seen it in action.

Gary Herrmann
03-18-2007, 10:54 PM
Been there. So glad I don't have to travel for work any more. Glad things worked out. Sledding is always something to enjoy.

Mark Pruitt
03-19-2007, 7:58 AM
I got to the airport way early so as to take care of any potential problems with the TSA. As recently as the day before I had been advised by the airline personnel that I might not be allowed to take my turning tools with me in any way, so I thought it might be prudent to arrive in time to discuss the matter.
Bill, I'm sorry to hear of the troubles but it does look like you made lemonade. As to whether that was part of a "plan" I'll leave it to one more wise than me to decide...;)

Did you ever get a definitive word on being able to transport your tools in checked baggage? I'm thankful for the TSA folks, but if they've gotten that doggone picky well that's just too crazy. I can't imagine even in theory how a bowl gouge could be used as a means of threatening someone when it is stored away in checked baggage. I know the rules are the rules, but I'm one of those guys who's always asking why.

Paul Engle
03-19-2007, 10:20 AM
ah ..... at least Bill drives the right make of p/u ......don't know about the Calvinists... ( is that as in Calvin & Hobbes or John Calvin , 16th c French reformationist & Thomas Hobbes 17th c political philosopher ? ) but both groups can find humor in just about anything, especally in some of our turnings ......:D.