View Full Version : Processed Longhorn cattle price?

Bob Childress
03-17-2007, 12:02 PM
A question for the rural and small town Creekers mostly, though anyone who knows anything is welcome.

I'm offered 1/2 processed Longhorn steer (dressed about 200 lbs.) for $5.50 a pound. This struck me as a bit higher than I remember from previous years, but it has been a while. So, I'm trying to get a sense of the reasonableness of this price. The $5.50 /lb. includes 8 weeks on feed, slaughter, processing, cut and vacuum sealed/labeled. I was expecting about $4.00 a lb. but I may be out of touch. :o Anyone have any input?

Robert Mickley
03-17-2007, 10:16 PM
Haven't priced any in years since mine comes from family, I do know that my brothers neighbor sells grass fed organic beef starting a $5.50 a pound for hamburger. thats not by the half.

Al Wasser
03-18-2007, 10:22 AM
I also have not bought a 1/2 beef for a long time, but my question is: Why buy longhorn beef? Longhorns are not the best beef cattle and I would expect the meat to be extra boney and perhaps tough compared to other breeds. I would stay away from it even if I was in the market for beef.

Michael Gibbons
03-18-2007, 11:42 AM
Geez, What are these cattle made out of? Gold? My father in law who lives down the road from me sells corn , hay and grass fed polled hereford cattle at I think it's $2.15 a pound hanging half. The beef you buy from him is a year and a half old and are free ranging on 80 acres which means they're not overly muscled(tough) or overly fat. When you make a hamburger it stays the same size as when it was put on the grill and is still juicy when you eat it. When you buy a half from the FIL you get whats on that half cut any way you like. Excellent value. And it tastes way better than anything I've had from the store. They have tried other cattle species but found the herefords to taste the best. Even better than the famous "BLACK ANGUS".

Paul Turner
03-18-2007, 9:48 PM
Too high. WAY TOO HIGH.