View Full Version : Help With Sharpening Mf #1 Shave

Alan Turner
12-17-2003, 8:12 AM
If anyone has knowldege or experience (or the location of a reference), I would like a bit of advice on the proper sharpening of the iron on a Millers Falls No. 1 spokeshave. I have one, but am not sure of the proper technique, ange, etc.
Thanks for any help.

Dave Anderson NH
12-17-2003, 12:13 PM
http://www.shavings.net and look for the info John Gunterman has on the cigar shave. The download is not of very good visual quality, but you should be able to get the angle from the cross section view. Note also that there is also a bunch of other good Neander stuff there to look through.

Alan Turner
12-17-2003, 3:13 PM
Thanks so much for the help.