View Full Version : Router Bits

Brian Ross
03-12-2007, 2:04 PM
There is a regular poster on this forum that is in the router bit business. The name escapes me and I would like to order a Whiteside Bit. Does anyone remember the name. I know they are available lots of places but may as well support a Creeker.

Art Mann
03-12-2007, 2:08 PM
I think the guy you are talking about is also Brian and his company is Holbren. Here is his website. For the moderators, if I shouldn't post this address, please delete. I don't quite understand what the rules are regarding links.



Jim Becker
03-12-2007, 2:23 PM
The link is fine, Art. SMC allows (and encourages) all links except:

direct links to auctions
direct links to other forums (of ANY kind)
direct links in signatures (personal or professional web sites should be in one's profile and are then accessable by anyone clicking on your name) - one exception being promoting contribution to SMC as in my own signature

blatantly promotional commercial linking/postingJim
SMC Moderator

Brian Ross
03-12-2007, 10:31 PM
Art.. Thanks alot.
