View Full Version : need planer buying advice

Ed Kerns
03-11-2007, 10:29 PM
First off, I want to thank everyone for a very cool forum! This is my first post, but I've been following along for awhile and really appreciate the shared knowledge of you folks. Here's my quandary; I'm shopping for a planer and leaning toward a 15" model. I have a pretty good handle on what's available, although no first hand experience with this size machine. I've got a budget of around $1000. I've found a new Delta X5 in my area that's being closed out for just under a grand, and have also looked at the Jet 16" open base model that sells for around $900. Both are 3hp movable cutter head machines, seemingly pretty similar. I know there are several other manufacturers around, but none that I can easily check out. So the question is, does one machine in this category really stand out? Can anyone offer a compelling reason to buy either the Delta or Jet or other? I'm a hobbyist who will probably not put much strain on any of these machines. Thanks again for the opportunity to join in.

Brett Baldwin
03-12-2007, 2:13 AM
Welcome Ed. My budget wasn't up for a planer of that caliber so I went with the "lunchbox" one that had the best value according to everything I could read. That was the Ridgid 13". It has been good planer and the snipe has been very tame and probably has a lot to do with my inexperience. If you have the money readily available, a slightly larger and more powerful planer will be able to handle a good bit of wood. Do you already have your jointer? If not, you might want to think about putting extra money in that to get at least an 8" and then go with a less expensive 13" planer like the Ridgid or the Dewalt 735 which was also a top rated machine. Almost everyone runs into the shortcomings of a 6" jointer but fewer have problems with boards to big for a 13" planer. Just something to consider if you haven't already.

Nancy Laird
03-12-2007, 3:16 AM
First off let's say there are a lot of mfgrs out there and some pretty good 15" planers.

We recently bought a new 15" planer and researeched it pretty well and ended up buying the Steel City Tool Works 15" planer. Look under our member name and you will find a thread that we started and what we thought of it.

lou sansone
03-12-2007, 4:46 AM
welcome to the creek
have you looked at bridgewood and grizzly at that price point ? they import some pretty good machines.


Dave Diana
03-12-2007, 7:14 AM
Take a look at Grizzly and Yorkcraft. I own a Yorkcraft 20" planer and have been very happy with it. You should be able to get either machine for aroud $800 shipped or a little less if you can buy locally. Just about all the 15" and 20" planers are built on the same platform and just have a different color paint. I got my 20" for about $1200 after tax. The Grizzly and Yorkcraft also have built in mobile bases which is a big plus.

Ed Kerns
03-12-2007, 7:39 AM
Thank you all. I will do a little more research in some of the names you've suggested. Many I recognize, but have seen only in catalogs. Grizzly's machine is about the same cost as the Delta in their catalog (within $100) Nancy, I did dig up your thread on Steel City and will try to give them a close look. I definitely appreciate good service. Does Woodcraft sell their machines?
My jointer is only a 6 inch model and is also on the upgrade list. I understand its limitations. I'm in the parks and rec business, we occasionally have to remove a tree, and it affords me a fair amount of rough cut lumber. My old lunchbox planer, just wasn't cutting it. Thanks again for the insight and warm welcome.

Jim Thiel
03-12-2007, 9:37 AM
My old lunchbox planer, just wasn't cutting it.

You made a funny Ed.

Where are you on this rock of ours anyway? There might be some neighbory folks that would let you over and check out their machines.


Ed Kerns
03-12-2007, 5:31 PM
Jim, We're practically neighbors. I'm in Midland Michigan. I was in the greater G.R. area yesterday as my daughter goes to school in Allendale.

Joe Chritz
03-13-2007, 12:35 AM
Hi ED. We are neighbors. I'm in Midland County just east of Isabella.

I don't have a large planer but the Grizzly (15 or 20") is on my short list.

Check with the Tool Haus in Gladwin. They carry ShopFox and have decent deals. The ShopFox is Grizzly's dealer brand and are a good unit from everything I have heard.
