View Full Version : I think I need to have Nancy put into rehab (by Dave)

Nancy Laird
03-10-2007, 3:06 PM
She hasn't yet turned anything on a lathe except some pens, but it seems that she has the bug really bad, and now I'm thinking of putting her into turner's rehab.

This morning we were headed to breakfast and took a turn through a neighborhood where I noticed that a house was being re-roofed. She told me a few minutes later that she came within a millisecond of telling me to stop, as there was a tree in the yard that had been taken down and cut into chunks about 18"--and her first thought was "turning blanks!!" :eek: Don't know what kind of tree it was/is, or how the stuff would turn, but her first thought was "turning blanks." We already have a box of blanks from John Hart, a supply of 400 or so pen blanks, some stopper blanks, and very little time in which to turn, so I don't know what she would have done with that wood, but her first though was TURNING BLANKS.

Then she asked me where our chain saw is (I sold it several years ago), and said we probably need to buy a new one. I see where this is going. We have a midi, we have an Atlas that was my dad's (50-plus years old) that works just okay, so soon she's going to be bugging me for a bigger lathe. The abyss is alive and well and swirling at my house. I think she needs rehab already.

Me? I still like my flat work. (That wasn't profanity, Jim)


Bruce Shiverdecker
03-10-2007, 3:22 PM
Dave, You'll just have to learn to "GO WITH THE FLOW!" Since Nancy has SEEN THE LIGHT, you might as well dive in, too! The Chips are Fine!


Bill Wyko
03-10-2007, 3:39 PM
Hahahahaha You Think There's A Rehab Program For What She Has. :D :D :D :D Not A Chance!

Andy Hoyt
03-10-2007, 3:45 PM
.... came within a millisecond of stopping.... ??????

Shame on you Nancy.

Geoff Crimmins
03-10-2007, 3:51 PM

Interesting story, but I don't see why she needs rehab. She sounds perfectly normal to me. Doesn't *everybody* get excited and think "turning blanks" when they see a hardwood tree down? BTW, if don't have a big bandsaw you may as well buy one along with the chainsaw. ;)


Hilel Salomon
03-10-2007, 5:06 PM
I have reached the point that I start thinking of bowl blanks often. When the BW and I went to Alaska and saw lots and lots of birch, I started wondering what kind of bowls they'd make. This morning I drove past a bunch of logs on the road, but didn't have my truck with me and lamented the fact that I couldn't pick them up. Rather than pay good woodturning money on a psychiatrist, I prefer to think that your wife is normal and you need counselling for questioning her!!!!!

Christopher K. Hartley
03-10-2007, 5:12 PM
Dave, it is all about the fever! Could also be "All About Her" but let's not explore that one. Stay on safe ground with the fever!:D :rolleyes:

Belinda Barfield
03-10-2007, 5:24 PM
Don't have a lathe, and have never turned a single thing, but I still look at all the gorgeous pics you guys post. Yesterday while driving home I passed a construction site where they must have taken down hundreds of trees, mostly oaks. Then, I saw another oak tree recently downed beside the road. I swear I started wondering both times what was inside those trunks just waiting to get out. Don't know but maybe what you guys have is catching.:) (which is a good thing BTW)

Christopher K. Hartley
03-10-2007, 5:27 PM
Don't have a lathe, and have never turned a single thing, but I still look at all the gorgeous pics you guys post. Yesterday while driving home I passed a construction site where they must have taken down hundreds of trees, mostly oaks. Then, I saw another oak tree recently downed beside the road. I swear I started wondering both times what was inside those trunks just waiting to get out. Don't know but maybe what you guys have is catching.:) (which is a good thing BTW)You'r a Woman after my own heart!!! :o OAK...OAK...OAK!!!:eek: :D

Ken Fitzgerald
03-10-2007, 5:56 PM
Dave.......there's no cure for the Abyss! You can whine, cry, moan and rave and shout........In the end the judge will have no sympathy for you. You've been married too long. So may I suggest a finding a local Stihl dealer. In the long run it's cheaper and you can share your Navy retirement with her rather than sending it to her in a montly check!:eek: :rolleyes: :D

Belinda Barfield
03-10-2007, 5:57 PM
You'r a Woman after my own heart!!! :o OAK...OAK...OAK!!!:eek: :D

Should I break out the chainsaw or the wedding rings first? Just joking!! Honey would be mighty upset if I ran off with his chainsaw!:D

Nancy Laird
03-10-2007, 6:25 PM
I don't think you understand.

I work at Woodworker's Supply and have the availability of getting a #1 lathe.

So where do I put it?

So where is rehab located?


Belinda Barfield
03-10-2007, 6:43 PM

How many years have you and Nancy been married? You put the lathe wherever she tells you to. Rehab is that same location. You never mention she has a "habit" and support her in every effort to tame the demon that has dragged her into the abyss. For total happiness, you join her there!!! Note quote below!

Christopher K. Hartley
03-10-2007, 9:04 PM
Should I break out the chainsaw or the wedding rings first? Just joking!! Honey would be mighty upset if I ran off with his chainsaw!:DOh my gosh Belinda!!!:eek: Take a man's money but never his chainsaw!!:eek: I'll bring my Stihl, it'll "Git'er Done!":D

John Hart
03-10-2007, 9:11 PM
Dave....I'm at a bit of a loss. Please....lay on the couch.

...Now tell me....why is it that you think that it's Nancy that needs rehabilitating? hmmm? :rolleyes: :)

Nancy Laird
03-10-2007, 10:10 PM

How many years have you and Nancy been married? You put the lathe wherever she tells you to. Rehab is that same location. You never mention she has a "habit" and support her in every effort to tame the demon that has dragged her into the abyss. For total happiness, you join her there!!! Note quote below!

24 as of last Monday. Thank you, Belinda, for your support.


Curt Fuller
03-10-2007, 10:54 PM
We already have a box of blanks from John Hart, a supply of 400 or so pen blanks, some stopper blanks, and very little time in which to turn, so I don't know what she would have done with that wood, but her first though was TURNING BLANKS.

Dave, you should print this out and save it somewhere. Someday after the bug has bitten you, someday when you don't even think the xxxx word anymore, you're going think back to the days when you only had a box of blanks from John Hart, a supply of 400 or so pen blanks, ............

Bernie Weishapl
03-10-2007, 11:26 PM
Nancy and Belinda wait till you have been married 40 yrs. You don't even open your mouth, if the LOML speaks you listen and you just do it. :rolleyes:;):cool::p

Dave there is no rehab for the LOYL. The rehab is for us. Don't ya know. :eek::mad:

Christopher K. Hartley
03-11-2007, 7:14 AM
Nancy and Belinda wait till you have been married 40 yrs. You don't even open your mouth, if the LOML speaks you listen and you just do it. :rolleyes:;):cool::p

Dave there is no rehab for the LOYL. The rehab is for us. Don't ya know. :eek::mad:Bernie, you are right on the money! It is 40 years here too and the only response to jump is, "How High?" She lets me be the head of the house but reminds me that women are the neck that turns the head.;)

Belinda Barfield
03-11-2007, 8:06 AM
She lets me be the head of the house but reminds me that women are the neck that turns the head.;)

LOL I've never heard that before! Thank LOYL for me, 'cause I'm gonna use this one today. :D We have guests coming next weekend and Honey promised me he would clean the windows - his idea - YESTERDAY. Today, I still have dirty windows. Me thinks a little head turnin' may be needed.

Stephen Mushinski
03-11-2007, 8:52 AM

You should have seen the wood first and said that you would load it into the car\truck for her. My wife See's down trees almost every week and she is sure to tell me about it. Now we live in the city and I have no where to put any more so I think she might be teasing me or torturing me. Not sure which!


Hilel Salomon
03-11-2007, 9:48 AM
In my household I MAKE THE IMPORTANT DECISIONS, and she makes the little ones. She controls household, money and family matters, but I get to decide on attacking Iraq and where to bury Nicole.

Barry Stratton
03-11-2007, 1:32 PM
Me? I still like my flat work. Dave

Uhm.....Nancy sounds like a fine lady with her priorities straight. I do believe there is help for you and your addiction, however...:D :D :D

Gary Herrmann
03-11-2007, 2:14 PM
I'm taking the family and the dogs for a walk because I saw a couple trunk sections of might be maple up the street. They look about 4 - 6 ft long and at least 4 ft in diameter. I don't even know how I'd get them home, but I'm gonna go look anyway.

I think this kind of wood is in the Opportunisticus family.

Nancy Laird
03-11-2007, 2:47 PM
I just want to say "Thank you" to all of you for your support of my growing addiction. One of these days I'll post a picture of something more than pens and let you see how I'm doing.

Obviously, this was done all in fun, but the OP incident was the whole truth. We laughed ourselves silly over it. There's more truth than poetry to what has happened to me since I joined the Creek. It was recommended to me because of the Laser forum--little did I know that all of the spin gurus here would turn my thoughts in a new direction - not different, just new, because the laser work is still a big part of our work. But thanks Travis, Jim, Ken, John, Barry, Chris, Bernie, Curt, Keith, Andy, Corey, and all the other spinmasters here for your inspiring work that makes me want to spin further down into the vortex.

But please, don't be too hard on my hubby - he is VERY good at flatwork and I've gotten a lot of nice furniture and cabinetry out of the shop. As a matter of fact, he's in the shop right now putting stain on the doors to the guest-room cabinets, which finishes up project #4938 on the list. Only a few more things to go and we'll have the house the way we want it--after 13-1/2 years! He's running out of projects here at the house, so we are going to have to conjure up some more projects or rustle up some commissions. He gets testy when he gets away from his Unisaw for too long!:D

Happy Sunday to all.


Randy Moore
03-11-2007, 5:29 PM
But please, don't be too hard on my hubby - he is VERY good at flatwork and I've gotten a lot of nice furniture and cabinetry out of the shop. As a matter of fact, he's in the shop right now putting stain on the doors to the guest-room cabinets, which finishes up project #4938 on the list. Only a few more things to go and we'll have the house the way we want it--after 13-1/2 years! He's running out of projects here at the house, so we are going to have to conjure up some more projects or rustle up some commissions. He gets testy when he gets away from his Unisaw for too long!:D

Happy Sunday to all.


Nancy, The only way I see to keep him out of trouble is to buy another house and start w/project#1 new house. :rolleyes: Then in 13 1/2 years he will be looking for something else to do.:eek:

I don't have a lathe right now but I am seriosly thinking of getting rid of some of the FLATWORK machinery and buying a lathe. I wll have to sneek it in past LOML, kids and the boat. I drive down the streets and look for trees down either by man or Mother Nature so there must be something to this forum that is addicting.


Joyce Baldauf
03-15-2007, 1:06 PM
A non-turning friend and I were out driving yesterday and I was describing this obsession to her. Everytime I go out now I'm looking for wood. She thought that was funny, but on the way home we spotted a freshly cut log along the side of the road and asked me if she should stop to pick it up.

But of course! So we pulled over in rush hour traffic to retrieve the log. Don't know what it is yet, but I can definitely relate, Nancy.

Gary Herrmann
03-15-2007, 1:55 PM
Just wait till you have friend's stopping by with logs in their trunks or even better - when your wife's coworkers give her wood to give to you.

SWMBO has no problem with the free wood thing. She'd rather deal with that than buying wood on the bay.

Paul Engle
03-15-2007, 2:19 PM