View Full Version : mesquite heaven

03-07-2007, 10:12 AM
I struck the mother load last night. I was on my way home when I passed a fire wood lot. Just for the heck of it I stopped by to see what they had. I had only seen oak from the street but figured hey, what the heck. It wont hurt to ask will it?

Well behind the building was a stack of Mesquite as tall as the building about 100 feet long!!!!! I was told to take what I needed. SOOOO I figured I would upload the pics of the 3 chunks I took on this load. (3 chunks was all my trunk would hold with the pecan logs I also picked up from another place, I NEED A TRUCK).

The other wood in the pics are some chunks of ash and live oak being shipped out to a freind later. (John H., incase you wanted to add him to your list) By the way John the ash slab is 9X9X3 if that gives you any idea on the size of these pieces. You can kinda see the two other pieces in the background of the third pic. They are huge chunks, I'm sawing them down Thursday. Let me know which on you want your chunks from.

Bernie Weishapl
03-07-2007, 10:59 AM
Congrats. What a load of wood. I am green with envy on that mesquite.

Alfredo Rodriguez Garcia
03-07-2007, 12:31 PM
what did you use to paint the wood?
how long do you recommend they will be in this way
before you turning them?
Saludos cordiales

Keith Burns
03-07-2007, 12:34 PM
Mother Load Tyler, Mother Load !! That is some good looking stuff !

03-07-2007, 1:05 PM
Actually this is just some leftover kilz I had laying around. I hoped it would seal the endgrain enough to prevent cracking. I havn't seen any new cracks apear since I sealed them about a week ago. Not reall sure how long they will be like that till I turn them. Some of them are being shipped to John, but I have other logs the same way. I have to get a lathe able to handle bowls before I start on these puppies. So it may be 3-6 months. I hope sooner, but waiting. I hope the wood dries as I wait, but I want it to be slow and even.

Alfredo Rodriguez Garcia
03-07-2007, 4:30 PM
Thanks Tyler for your answer.

Mike Vickery
03-07-2007, 6:23 PM
Tyler, Nice score on the wood.
Mesquite is one of the most stable woods around, so I think you will be fine with it not cracking with the Kiltz, especially if you remove the pith.

I doubt those logs will be anywhere close to dry in 6 months, but to me that is a good thing I like to rough them they are sopping wet.

John Hart
03-07-2007, 6:35 PM
I'm drooling. I think I need one of those drool cups from Saturday Night Live....Or was it the Carol Burnett Show?:confused: Sheesh...I'm gettin' old.

Tyler....I think this should officially put you on "The List";)

03-07-2007, 7:41 PM
Well John if it didn't the 3 logs of Honey locust I picked up will. I have come upon a couple of great people more than willing to give me wood. John of Big Timber (oxymoron here in west Texas) makes me call him every Thursday to find out what is on the menu. if I like it I get it, if not he shreds it. I've got more wood than I could turn in about 3 years, but I'm still collecting to get variety now. I have 3 huge logs of cedar, pecan out the wazoo, a stack of hickory, you saw the live oak in the pics (more in the back of the garage), now Honey Locust, persimon coming, mesquite when I want it. I may start what you have going, ship me cash I ship you southern wood!!! Wont have near the supply but the quality and freshness will be hard to beat!!!

John Hart
03-07-2007, 8:00 PM
We could get a co-op going to save people money on shipping to the west!! I could ship giant containers of Northern Hardwoods to you, and you could ship giant containers of Texas Hardwoods to me, and we could make the whole country happy!!:)

I need to find a large container.;)

Bernie Weishapl
03-07-2007, 8:36 PM
Would you two quit talking about how much wood and what kinds you have. :o:eek: I am so green with envy, I can't stand it. ;):rolleyes: Oh how I wish. Some day.

03-08-2007, 9:45 AM
John, that is exactly something I was thinking about. You would have a branch store here in west Texas. I think that would cut the shipping cost by about a 1/3 for most people out my direction.