View Full Version : regrets from the pond

Scott Stefanoski
02-27-2003, 10:38 PM
i wanted to write this. i lurked on the pond for over a year, but never managed to make myself a part of it. when i finally decided to do so, wayne decided to filll it in. ii just wanted t say thanks to all, i will try to be more active and give back to this forum. it really was amazing seeing how well the pond functioned.

anyway as an introduction, my full name is scott stefanoski and i am an internet systems engineer by day. I am a college student (finally graduating from college 14 years after getting out of high school), woodworker, and luckiest guy in the world for having a wife (Jen) who puts up with being married to me.

we are fortunate to live in the 110 year old farmhouse that my wife's family built when they came to this country. i hope to gut and update it this summer. I am currently in the process of building a new work shop if it ever gets warm or dry here in baltimore i will finish running the electric).

i have some pics at http://moneypit.scottstef.com not a whole lot of descriptions, keep meaning to get around and write descriptions.

Well enough ramblings, please accept my apologies as i try to start contributing rather than just taking from this community.

Dennis McDonaugh
02-27-2003, 10:42 PM
Welcome aboard Scott, I'm sure you'll like it here too since most of us were ponders too.

Ben Mathews
02-27-2003, 10:50 PM
My name is Ben, and I too am a lurking junkie. I have the same thoughts, after a couple years of lurking and posting a question or two at Badger Pond and a couple other forums, I am hoping jump into the mix a little bit more and start contributing.

A bit about myself - I am a Reliability Engineer (Mechanical) for a paper company in Michigan's Upper Penninsula. I have been addicted to woodworking for about 2 1/2 years, and also enjoy fishing and hunting. I have a wife and a 6 year old daughter. Last week my daughter made her first bird house, and doesn't like me going out to the garage without her. I hope she doesn't mind a new jointer for her birthday! :)

I have learned a lot over the last couple of years on the various forums, and only hope that I can pay a little bit back.

Bob Lasley
02-27-2003, 11:05 PM
Sounds like Lurkers Anonymous around here! :D

Just jump in anytime you feel froggy. Glad you're here.


Joe Suelter
02-27-2003, 11:12 PM
Welcome Scott & Ben! Hey Scott, keep in mind that you have that ShopDesign software on your site, I'm sure the occassion will come up where someone wants it. It's not offered by ShareWare anymore, so copies of it are pretty scarce!! Take care.

John Miliunas
02-27-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by scottstef
i wanted to write this. i lurked on the pond for over a year, but never managed to make myself a part of it. when i finally decided to do so, wayne decided to filll it in. ii just wanted t say thanks to all, i will try to be more active and give back to this forum. it really was amazing seeing how well the pond functioned.

anyway as an introduction, my full name is scott stefanoski and i am an internet systems engineer by day. I am a college student (finally graduating from college 14 years after getting out of high school), woodworker, and luckiest guy in the world for having a wife (Jen) who puts up with being married to me.

we are fortunate to live in the 110 year old farmhouse that my wife's family built when they came to this country. i hope to gut and update it this summer. I am currently in the process of building a new work shop if it ever gets warm or dry here in baltimore i will finish running the electric).

i have some pics at http://moneypit.scottstef.com not a whole lot of descriptions, keep meaning to get around and write descriptions.

Well enough ramblings, please accept my apologies as i try to start contributing rather than just taking from this community.

"Come over here to the window. Check out the doghouse the neighbors are getting!" (LOL) Seriously, you'd be a lucky dog, at that! Oh, and I think that, this being your first post, you really have nothing to apologize for...Yet! (Boy. I crack myself up!)

Welcome, come back often and keep us posted on workshop progress. The shop stuff is an area, which I personally, never get tired of checking out. So, so many good ideas out there when it comes to outfitting a shop. :cool:

Jason Roehl
02-28-2003, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by scottstef
I am a college student (finally graduating from college 14 years after getting out of high school),

So, if I don't get my degree in another three years, I'll have you beat? Hmmm...it would take me at least two going full time...



Rob Russell
02-28-2003, 8:13 AM
I graduated from high school in 1976. I was class of '99 for my degree (BS in Bus Admin, double major, summa cum laude).

Rather like building a piece of furniture, it's not always how quickly you can do it, but about what you learn along the way and the quality of the end product.

Now, if you're lookin' at me as a quality indicator for my degree ...


Ted Shrader
02-28-2003, 8:17 AM
Hi guys!

Welcome. This is a real friendly place, glad you took the time to post. It is nice to "e" meet you.
