View Full Version : Calling all Dado set owners. Troubleshooting Needed.

Kevin Blunt
03-05-2007, 10:17 PM
Hey all,

I was just using my Dimar woodpecker dado set for the first time tonight ( I bought it at last years Kitchener show) and it really cuts beautiful, except for one thing. When I make the dado cut it has a very nice flat bottom except for the two outside blades seem to be cutting a little deeper than the chippers are. it basically looks like two very small V's at each side of the dado groove. I spoke to Paul (sales manager) at Dimar and he said it was normal and that they are supposed to cut that way in order for the 90 degree board that is fittiing in to properly seat. It also allows for excess glue to get away.

Do your dado sets cut like this? The V's are no deeper than 1/32" I'd say.

Hope to hear some responses.


Lars Thomas
03-05-2007, 10:25 PM
These 'ears' eliminate the chipout on ply. They are normal.

Bruce Wrenn
03-05-2007, 10:33 PM
Bat Ears are normal. The outers have both raker and single bevel teeth. Left or right depending on which outer cutter. The chippers are raker teeth only. Outers sever the fibers, and the chippers clean out the cut.